2~Your mine only mine

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After that day Jungkook had been acting as if I'm his girlfriend, he always calls me baby girl and babe I tried telling him not to call me that but him being him, he does what he wants so stubborn. I can't even talk to other boys if I do he always scares them off and threatens them that he'll hit them if they talk to me one more time

He's so childish and protective although I like it when he says that and when he protects me, it makes him so loveable but no I don't love him not right now. You know why because he was the biggest play boy in the entire school, when I first came into this school, so I'm thinking that he might just be playing with me too so I don't wanna give him a chance just yet.


After my first lesson I get to my locker to put all my stuff in then I was getting my stuff out when I sensed a presence beside me just by his perfume I could tell who he was.
"Hey baby girl" he said I didn't reply I got my things out and closed my locker I didn't even look at him, I could tell he was getting annoyed which made me smirk. He looks extra how when he's mad.

"I'm talking to you" he said with a louder voice but I just walked past him with a small smile on my face, he followed me where I went I was gonna go into the bathroom. I smirked knowing he will not come in. I looked back seeing him standing right behind me with a slight glare.

WTF I looked at him shocked and the other girl were giving me a disgusted look.
"Oh please don't do it here" one of them said while going out the bathroom. Ew what the fuck are they thinking gosh.

I ran out he bathroom and jungkook followed closely behind me again, I stopped suddenly he hit my back.
"You idiot your so annoying" I shouted at him in frustration they are gonna make fun of me because of this now.

"You didn't listen to me that's what you get" he said in a baby voice, I gave him a wtf look then started to talk without realising what i was saying.

"You made me feel so embarrassed, I don't want you around anymore, your so embarrassing" I said while looking the other way when I turned back I saw hurt in his eyes then I regretted what I said. I'm such a idiot.

"So I embarrass you" he said softly looking down ugh what did I do I'm so dumb.
"N-no it's n-not like that it's just umm I-" before I could finish he cut me off
"Well I'm sorry I embarrassed you bye" he said walking off I looked at him as he turns to the corner walking off.

I shouted in frustration what the hell is wrong with me he was so nice I didn't even return that to him I just hurt him.

I hate myself.

I tried to calm myself down and go to class as I thought about everything, I guess he does like me and I do have a little bit of feelings for him a little I guess. I took a deep breath and decided that at lunch time I will try to find him and apologise. I need to.


At lunch break I saw his friends at the library and when I went in quickly but immediately regretted that I had feelings for him, he was there flirting with some girls in there

Like I thought he's a player i stared at them I felt my eyes water I wanted to cry and for he second time in my life I felt my head shatter into pieces.
He moved his head to the side looking straight into my eyes as he's eyes were fixed on mine but all he did was roll his eyes looking at the girl smirking at her.

I left a tear drop run down my cheeks I quickly wiped it off and walked out the library.
I saw Jaeyeon on the way, i immediately remembered that some of the girls said he has a crush on me then I saw Jungkook coming out he library.
Then I smirk.

"Two can play the game" I whispered to myself and ran up to Jaeyeon.
"Hey Jaeyeon oppa" he looked at me shocked.
"O-oppa" he said with his mouth slightly parted.
"Yeah oppa is that okey with you" I said while swinging side to side as if I'm nervous, in the corner of my eyes I could see jungkook and his friends sit in the table beside us. Yes my plan is working.

"Ofcourse you can call me that" he said suddenly smirking, wow that's a really fast emotion change I thought to myself.
He came closer to me we talked a lot and I could tell Jungkook looking at us the whole time which made me satisfied.
"I'll take you to your class" he smiled.
"Thank you" I smiled shyly while we both head to our class he left me saying goodbye. Then I smiled to myself shyly as if I'm in love with him or something which I am not.

Just as I was about to go to class someone held my hands tightly, while dragging me with him and ofcourse it was no other than Jungkook.
"let go!" I shouted at him but he didn't stop he kept on walking before he took me to a classroom where it's never been used anymore.

He shut the door and locked it looking at me no literally glaring into my soul.
"What?" I said as normally as I could I was really scared at this point.

"Why were you talking to him" he said in a firm voice as he stepped closer to him I hit the wall behind me and I was starting to get really scared but I tried my best not to show it to him.
"Why do u care you stop acting like you own me" I said to him confidently.

He stepped closer pressing his body against mine, I felt my heart rate going up every second.
"Your not mine right?" He moved his face closer to my neck whispering into my ear. Oh God my heart is gonna burst right now.

"O-ofcouse not" oh shit I just sttudered, I looked up at him and as expected he was smirking, with a fast movement he took my chin into his hands placing his lips onto mine kissing me roughly.
I tried to push him off but he was stronger.

I didn't want to kiss him back but his lips felt so good I couldn't resist anymore, after a hot make out session he pulled away he's eyes darker than ever.

"if I say your mine your mine got it" he said with a strict voice I looked at him in disbelief what the hell is wrong with him, he's been flirting with girls now he's saying I'm his. I think the fuck not.

"No I'm not yours, your always flirt with ever girl, and I'm not going to be one of them, got it" I said pushing him off me I honestly felt really hurt to see him flirt with other girls.


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