12- Wolf Form and Horror

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Quickly adjusting to your familiar but uncommon form, you shook your head and looked at Nightmare. Nightmare's pupils had turned into little stars and you could tell that it was taking a lot of will power for him to not hug you, probably to death, straight away. You tried to say something, but it ended up coming out as a mix of a bark and a yelp.

Oh, right. Wolves can't speak English. Well, none you've heard of, at least, and certainly not you. You huffed slightly at that. Nightmare reached out and pet your head rather carefully, probably because he wasn't sure if you wanted to be touched or not. You wagged your tail slowly but happily. "You look so cooollll!! And cute.." He muttered the last bit, but you heard that of course.

With you turning into a wolf and all, you probably should've expected that you would've been hugged by an overly hyper and bubbly Blueberry. "AWWWWWWWWWWW!!" You flinched at the loudness of his voice slightly, since he was too close to your ears.

"I don't think you should scream, I think their ears are sensitive," Nightmare mentioned. Thank god.

  It took a few seconds for Nightmare's words to click inside of Blue's skull, but you knew it did when you heard a long 'ooooohhhhhhhhhhh'. You casually slipped out of his grip, since your fluff was deceiving and could swallow a man whole if it wanted to. Trotting back over to Nightmare, you nudged his hand, and he went back to petting your head when he realized what that meant.

  You were quite surprised that not many kids except Blue and Nightmare seemed to really care about your wolf form, but you could sense some curiosity that had surfaced in the room. Either way, you weren't going to complain. You didn't like being the center of attention, it's really nerve wracking. What if something goes wrong? Yeah, no thanks.

  Well, one kid came over actually. Sadly it was Horror. "Why the hell," Blue gasped louder than a vacuum cleaner before he could finish the sentence.

  "THATS A NAUGHTY WORD!!" Horror rolled his...pinpricks.

  "Fine. Why the h-e double hockey stick is there a dog here?" You growled at them for that. You weren't a dog, you were a WOLF!...Too bad he couldn't understand you right now. Darn, this form has a lot of drawbacks.

Nightmare started speaking up a bit "Because-" but immediately got interrupted.

"If that thing is going to be hostile I'm just gonna go get Mr. PJ to get rid of it. Dogs aren't allowed in the daycare from what I know."

"But that's (Your Name)!" Blue chimed in.

"Heh, that makes it even better. We don't need humans, or hybrids, or whatever the hell they are in here anyways." You tilted your ears down slightly, not out of fear or anything, but more out of sadness. This kid really reminded you of a lot of others you've met, even though those were humans. It kind of hurts when you think you're free and away from those types of people and then end up being completely wrong. Can't even trust monsters to be accepting, but then again, there's always going to be a few bad eggs in the bunch. Nightmare pet your head gently....and Horror got tackled by Blue....in a hug.


  "My mom is an apple, my life doesn't have much going for it." Horror struggled to escape the hug and failed miserably "Okay can you let go of me?!"

"...no" Horror groaned at that word. "Not until you be nice!" Horror groaned again.

  "Me being nice is like you sitting down still for five minutes after eating candy. It isn't happening."

  "WANT A BET?!"

"Yes." You slipped away from Nightmare and nudged your head in between Blue and Horror, which in return caused Blue to actually let go of him. For some reason, you didn't really care at the moment anymore, and turned back to normal. Horror looked extremely startled by this. "The hell?!" Blue glared at him.


"Okay jeez I get it!" You giggled.

"I mean you should've probably been prepared for me to turn back to normal, your name is Horror, I would've expected you to be less frightened by a "dog"." You said the last part with an obvious tint of bitterness. Or salt. Screw it, you were feeling salty as heck and you weren't in the mood to take any rubbish from Horror.

"Honestly, why do you keep picking fights with everyone here?? There's no point in it, if you ask me. If you're doing it just for fun or because you're bored, what's so fulfilling about that? Making people's lives miserable just to bring a fake happiness to yours? If you have too much pride to stop being mean and try to be nice to people, then who are you trying to impress with that? What pride are you keeping, and why? What's the point? People aren't going to call you weak for being nice, and if they do, they're saying that because they're weak themselves. Grow up a little and be nice while you're still alive, because when you really need help, that'll be when you really hope there's someone nice nearby. It's so much more rewarding and easy to be nice, so just go ahead and do it. You don't really have anything to lose." You were really proud of yourself for not stuttering and sounding more like an adult while saying that.

  You learned a lot of that stuff you just from your mother, after you came to her crying because of some of the old kids at one of your previous daycares.

  Horror stared at you for a good ten seconds after you said that, before simply walking away. You felt really proud of yourself right now. "Woah...that was so cool!" Dream suddenly hugged you out of no where. You giggled, and hugged back. He nuzzles the side of your head, and you pat his back before letting go. You wagged your tail happily.

  "Judging by the look on his face, your words got to him, hopefully he'll start to change how he acts.." Nightmare mumbled. You nod in agreement.

  "I hope so."

  "Me too!!" Blue chimed in. You smiled.

Before anything else could be said, Mr. PJ walked over and bent down to your level. "(Your Name), your mother is here, are you ready to go?"

Word count: 1101

WOO BEEN AWHILE!! Sorry I was mentally worn out for a few weeks. I wanted to do a Halloween special but I couldn't bring myself to doing it!! DARNIT
but hey I went as Frisk for Halloween and everyone thought I was Dora the Explorer!! Thinking of it, I recorded myself taking that off...one sec Imma put that up there--face reveal I guess woo. What I just said probably makes no sense ahh.

But anyways, doodle of reader up there!!
Also, I'm sorry that I'm bad with making these kids seem like kids, I don't know how to do childish writing and a few people have pointed that out which made me self conscious about it...oh well. Just gonna say, I can't think like a child, so I'm not gonna write like one either, sorry. If you don't like that...sorry? ;v; I can't do much to fix that..maybe I should've just done NAJ...nevermind let's just stick with this.

But anyways, thank you so much to the people that have given me ideas!! I've seriously wrote them down and plan on using some of them. A person who PMed me an idea was enough to I've me a push to finish this chapter, even if they weren't directly aiming for that, just simply giving ideas. Readers have a good amount of power, ya know, your support DOES mean a lot!! Thank you to those who comment, favorite, so on. And to the ones that read this, too.
Anyways, hope you all have a nice day!..or night,

A Puppy's Love (PJ's Daycare x Small!Inu!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now