Part 1

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Opening your eyes, you looked around, trying to see anything in the pitch black room. Sweat covered every inch of your skin, your clammy hands sliding against the cold floor. Pushing yourself up, you reached for your knife but found that both it and its holster was not attached to your thigh.

"You know what's about to come," a familiar voice taunted, making cold travel up your spine. "I'll be gone, sure, but I'll still be in here."

Something poked the back of your head, making you turn around. You backed away as soon as you saw his glowing red eyes, the same blade used to etch every mark into your skin and your soul. He chuckled, walking forward and wrapping his hands around your neck. Gasping for air as he lifted you from the ground, you kicked your feet at him. Barely grazing him, you dug your nails into his hands. He tilted his head, the room you were in brightening slowly. Your eyes widened as soon as you saw that it wasn't Lucifer choking you, it was you.

"What's the matter?" the slightly older version of you asked, grinning with a murderous look in your eyes. "Didn't expect this?"

Your older self's eyes burned a bright red, black swirling around the fiery colors. The grip on your neck loosened, sending you to the ground. Coughing, you looked up, glaring at your douchebag doppelgänger. She chuckled, crouching down to your level.

"It'll all be over soon," she sang, the grin still on her face, "and I'll come out. You know that no one can stop you from becoming me. You'll still be you of course, but all of your precious humanity gone."

"Demon bitch," you muttered, pushing yourself up.

"You know better than that," she sighed, examining the blade in her hand. "Lucifer said that you'll be more powerful than any angel or demon ever created, and you still think that you'll still be a demon. You'll be something completely new, idiot. Something... merciless."

Growling, you tackled your doppelgänger to the ground, snatching the blade and raising it above your head. The smirk was still on her face, taunting you. Without hesitation, you rammed the blade into her chest.


You looked down, gasping in terror as you realized it was Dean below you. The blade was embedded into his chest, blood already staining the clothes he was wearing. He coughed up blood, making you snap out of your shock.

"No, no, no, no!" you cried, getting off of him and looking around.

"Why did you do it?" he asked, his face growing paler.

"I didn't know it was you," you sobbed, freezing when you saw the other bodies surrounding you. "No.."

"You killed us all," he sputtered, "it's all your fault..."

"This isn't real," you whispered, clutching your head. "This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real-"

"It might not be real right now, but it will be."


Screaming, you rose out of bed, your heart beating out of your chest as you looked around the room. Sweat covered your skin as you looked over to the brown lamp lightly illuminating your room, your duffel bag lodged into the corner on the other side of the room, and finally your cassette tape player on the nightstand beside you. Wiping your face, you flung your covers off of you and stood up. Pressing the rewind button on the tape player before heading over to the other lamp in your room and turned it on. Flinching at the light, you turned around and rubbed your eyes. Snatching the water bottle from the nightstand, you sat back down and chugged whatever water was left in the bottle. Tossing it to the other side of the room, you laid back down, waiting for the tape to rewind.

The crappy motel room did not help with your nightmares, especially when you're aware that Lucifer was going to be defeated anytime soon. Dean and Sam placed you in here as soon as they left the Bunker to get Mary, your grandmother. Apparently, she tried to kill Jody and now your dad and uncle were on their way to see what's going on. Alethia was a few rooms down with Dude, probably still asleep. As soon as you heard the tape player click, you pressed the play button and laid back down. Sighing, you listened to Johnny Cash's Ain't No Grave, getting lost in the lyrics.

"Well look way down the river, and what do you think I see? I see a band of angels and they're comin' after me," Johnny sang through the speakers. "Ain't no grave can hold my body down."

A few knocks came from the door, making you tune out the song and quickly get out of bed. Grabbing the Colt M1911A1 Dean had given you after dropping you off. Flicking the safety off, you slowly unlocked the door, cautiously opening it while pressing the gun against the door. Once the door was open enough to let you see the hall, your eyes widened when you saw who was standing in front of you.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Lucifer smiled, tilting his head, "long time, no see."

You went to pull the trigger, but you were forced back with a wave of his hand. The gun slid under your bed, making you mutter a few curse words under your breath. Looking back over to Lucifer, who closed and locked the door without lifting a finger.

"I just dropped by to see how you were doing," he said, looking around the room, "and to make sure no one tinkered with my little heir."

"I'm still the next in line for Hell even if you have a kid on the way?" you asked, pushing yourself up. "Why?"

Lucifer scrunched his nose, tapping his chin, "Well, I already had a plan for you to take over Hell, so I'm not changing that. You forget that I chose you because it'll mess with the Winchesters, your ol' dad and uncle."

"Do you really think I'll do that?" you questioned him, "I'll never betray them."

"Never say never," he grinned, stepping closer to you. "I'm not sure if he told you or not, but daddy was a Knight of Hell for a while, and he wasn't the same man."


"It doesn't matter how," he interrupted you, his eyes glowing bright red. "It just proves that you'll have to say goodbye to everything you fought for all of these years."

The sigils carved into your chest began to burn, but no screams erupted from your mouth. You could feel the change, your demon side growing more powerful.

"Now that the British morons are gone," Lucifer said in a posh British accent, "and your family's attention will be focused on me and my son, I decided that I'll start the process a bit early."

Clawing at the marks, you collapsed on the ground, shaking as you felt yourself fade away. Tears fell down your face as you saw the veins on your arms turn back.

"This'll take awhile," he sighed, picking at his nail. "If you don't already know, this is just one phase of your transformation, which means your human soul is consumed and broken down. It's so interesting to see a soul like yours deteriorate."

You squeezed your eyes shut, praying to Cas for help, or to at least call someone for help. The pain grew, becoming even more unbearable. You couldn't think, the excruciating pain and feeling of yourself being torn apart taking over every single thought. Your humanity was being chipped away slowly but surely, the demon side of you growing stronger every second.


You opened your eyes, looking at the door in horror. No, you thought, she can't be here to see this.

"Are you okay?" she asked, fiddling with the doorknob.

"I'm okay," Lucifer said, rolling his eyes as he mimicked your voice.

"Do you need me to come in?" Alethia asked, worry laced in her tone.

"No," he replied, "I need to be alone. I don't want you to see me like this."

She sighed, "Okay, I'll check on you in the morning. Is that okay with you?"

"Yup," Lucifer answered, making a face as Alethia walked back to her room. "You fell for her? I expected you to fall for a werewolf."

Lucifer chuckled, sitting down on the chair set in the corner of the room. He leaned forward, smirking at you, "I can't wait to see what happens next."

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