Part 6

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"Well?" you asked, raising a brow. "I am so overwhelmed right now, can you guys shut up?"

A smile crawled onto your face, an older face that Sam and Dean barely recognized. Your demeanor had changed, the goofball with the weight of the world on her shoulders replaced with something else... something more sinister.

"This is all I get?" you questioned them, standing up and looking around the Bunker before returning your attention to the three of them. "I save your asses from suffocation, and I don't get a thank you? The least you could do is apologize for leaving me behind like that, all cold, lonely and dead in that shitty motel."

Their faces paled, looking down at the floor in shame. Bevell, on the other hand, looked as if a light bulb went off above her head.

"You're the daughter," she said, "but you're supposed to be dead."

"I tried death and it didn't agree with me," you sassed, smirking. "You should know that the British Man you sent after me failed, running home with his tail in between his legs. That prissy never stood a chance."

"Crowley told us-"

"Yeah, I know what he told you," you interrupted Dean, glaring at him. "I'm surprised you trusted a demon, especially if that demon is Crowley, over me, who was dead at that moment. You wouldn't believe what mental torture Lucifer put in my head. I had to endure all of that alone, knowing that not even my family stood by my side."

"Then why save us?" Sam asked, his tone suggesting some hesitation. "You could have let us die in here or figure it out ourselves."

"I'm not a heartless bitch," you responded, "I know how important you are to the world, and the only ones beside me that can deal with Lucifer. Once a Winchester, always a Winchester."

"Can we have a talk?" Dean asked, glancing over at Sam and Bevell. "Alone?"

Sam nodded, walking over to Bevell and grabbing her handcuffed hands before leaving the room. You watched them leave, waiting until they were in the next hallway before returning your attention to your father. Before you knew it, his arms were wrapped around you. You froze, not expecting this at all, especially from Dean. Hesitantly placing your hands on his back, you waited for him to calm down. It felt odd to be in his arms again without anything urgent going on at the same time or just barely avoiding death. Your whole relationship was built on survival, barely making it to the next day without hundreds of physical or mental scars to add to the growing collection.

"I'm sorry for leaving you there," Dean said, his voice cracking slightly. "It's the thing I regret the most."

"Well, you were grieving and I was possibly going to be evil the second I woke up, so I guess you had a good reason to," you stated, your voice muffled by his shoulder. "Obviously Lucifer's mind blender didn't work completely, or else you'd be dead already."

His grip on you tightened, your left shoulder getting damp, "It's just that I- I know what it feels like, the power and freedom of it. I was afraid that you'd go down the path I did."

You pushed yourself from his grip, stepping away from him, "I have gone down that path, and I went down way deeper than you did. Also, that power you speak of is the only reason why you are alive and safe right now."

"I understand that," Dean said, wiping his face, "but you know what I mean. When I was a Knight of Hell, the feeling of it was liberating. I couldn't give two shits about anything, and that's what I was worried about for you."

"Did you even listen to the tape?" you asked, his silence giving you an answer. "Instead of moping around and blaming yourself for not saving me, you could have at least listened to what I left you. I made it for that reason, to make sure you wouldn't tear yourself apart when Lucifer got to me."

He leaned forward and began to say something, but you held your hand up.

"I know that we have a lot to talk about, but you need to get your mom before she does any more damage to the Hunter community," you stated, turning around and heading to your room. "I recommend you leave now, I'll take Alethia and Dude with me for safekeeping."

"(Y/N), wait!"

You turned around, waiting for him to catch up to you, "What?"

"We will see you again, right?" he asked, scanning your face.

"When you've dealt with all of this, you'll see me again," you answered, sighing. "I can't let Lucifer know that I helped you, he still doesn't know that I'm not on his side."

"Going undercover?" Dean asked, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Yeah, so don't fuck it up," you said, turning around again and continuing towards your room as Dean followed you. "I have Hell and its resources behind me, so you won't have to worry about demons on your asses. If they are, I'll deal with them personally."

"Wait, you took over Hell?" Dean asked with wide eyes, nearly bumping into you when you stopped in front of your door. "What the hell, (Y/N)?"

You rolled your eyes, "We'll talk about it after you deal with ol' grandma, the British bastards and Lucifer. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a girlfriend to speak to."

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