Part 4

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The fuss over Lucifer's child was everywhere. More and more demons were slain by angels, but you didn't give a single damn. Apparently, your father and uncle gave most of their damns or else they'd be searching for you. You knew that they'd put you on hold to deal with Lucifer, his unborn son and the British Men of Letters, but there were no feelings to hurt. Your father and uncle had busied themselves with cases, but you knew that your death was still gnawing at them.

"It's about time you showed your face, Crowley," you said, watching as he walked into the throne room, "I thought you were going to stay in the shadows the whole time."

"Well, you can never be too cautious," he stated, putting a fake smile on his face, "especially when there's a being more powerful than an archangel who resents me."

You frowned and stood up, stepping down from the throne, "Who said that I resented you?"

"Let's just say it was... my personal intuition," Crowley replied, watching your movements. "If you knew how your father acted when he was a fresh Knight of Hell, then you would understand how I currently feel about this predicament."

"Let's cut the shit, Crowley, what do you want?" you asked, folding your arms. "I heard that grandmother dearest has lost her marbles and started a hunter killing spree."

"Ah, yes, the British Men of Letters tweaked her head a bit," he said, "but this does not involve her."

"Get to the point," you growled.

"When the day comes to rid this world of Lucifer, I need you to assist with his demise," Crowley stated.

"Now why would I do that?" you asked, a smirk crawling on your face. "He's the reason why I'm here, why I'm more powerful than any other angelic or demonic being in this universe. I was able to get my revenge without breaking a sweat, and you expect me to risk my life to deal with the devil."

"A simple yes or no would be nice, but this is not just about you or me. The Nephilim, (Y/N), he's the son of Lucifer! Don't you expect him to claim the throne of Hell with his father by his side?!"

"What do you want me to do, Crowley?" you questioned him, clenching your jaw. "You weren't there when he killed me or when I woke up. Hell, you even told my father to leave me behind."

You dug your hand into your pocket, grasping the piece of paper and tossing it at Crowley. The bunched up paper hit him in the chest, falling to the ground with a silent thud.

"Despite me being some type of demonic entity, I still have some semblance of my old self," you spat, glaring at him. "You told my family to leave me behind, and ever since that day I woke up, I swore to never rely on anyone again."

"Defeating Lucifer does not only involve me, it also includes your family," he said, sighing in frustration. "I may have not been the best to you, but I know the old (Y/N) wouldn't want to lose another family."

You quickly grabbed his throat, squeezing it tightly, "Be careful, Crowley, your sly ways won't save your ass if you're on my bad side."

"I see I struck a nerve," he rasped out, "maybe there is still some human in there."

"Get out of my fucking sight," you growled, pulling him closer, "and tell my father and uncle that if they need me, I'll show up with some popcorn to watch."

You pushed him away from you, watching as Crowley disappeared before he hit the ground. Muttering 'dick' under your breath, you sat back down on the throne and summoned a demon, finding some entertainment in him scurrying to your feet.

"Yes, your excellency?" he asked, kneeling.

You rolled your eyes, "I need you keep an eye on my father and uncle, but keep a distance and do not get involved. This is strictly between us, got it?"

He nodded, "I will do my best."

Watching him rush out of the room, you picked at your nail before standing up and walking out of the room. Heading down the hall, you continued to your destination until you stopped in front of the door. Knocking, you waited for a response.

"Come in."

You opened the door, its hinges creaking as you pushed it, "We need to talk."

"Well, what kind of talk, Dearie?" Rowena asked, placing her tea down. "I hope nothing that involves my protection."

You sat down on the couch facing her, lifting the tea kettle and pouring yourself a cup, "No, this doesn't involve our agreement. This is something... family related."

"Ah yes, the Winchesters," she sighed, "you really can't escape them, can you?"

"Crowley visited, and he requested my assistance with Lucifer's death," you informed her, taking a gulp of the tea. "I have an idea of what I'm going to do, but I need another perspective on this."

Rowena bit her lip, grasping her tea and taking a sip before responding, "Obviously I want Lucifer dead, but we both know that the Winchesters will defeat him. They always find a way to win, but not without any casualties. The thing you should be worrying about is the Nephilim, those creatures are not to be taken lightly."

"I know that," you sighed, "it's just that I have... some mixed feelings about this."

She smiled, "You're a Winchester, Lass, and even if you are not mostly human anymore, you still care about them. How is that wee Alethia of yours?"

"Not good," you responded, fiddling with the empty teacup. "I can feel it, her anguish and pain, but I can't let her see me like this, not now."

"You better do it quickly or else she might do something irrational," Rowena stated. "If there is anything I know about love, it's that it can drive you crazy and make you do crazy things."

You placed the cup on the table, "So let's say I don't deal with Lucifer and let my father and uncle deal with him, what should I do about the Nephilim? Killing it won't be easy, so what's the next best thing?"

"Taking it away from your barbaric family?"


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