Part 8

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Walking down the hall into the throne room, you were not surprised to see an entourage of demons crowding your right hand man. Folding your arms, you jutted out your hip and waited for them to be finished interrogating him. Tapping your fingers on your arm, you waited patiently for one of them to notice you. Not only a few seconds later, one noticed you and scurried away from the rest of the group, the rest soon following her example.

"What is the meaning of this nonsense?" you asked, slowly walking through them, your glare making them anxious. "Todd, do enlighten me. What were they asking you about?"

You sat on the throne, crossing one leg over the other as he calmed himself down. The other demons' nerves were more noticeable, some nearly on the verge of fainting if they could. Waving your hand, all of the doors closed with loud bangs, making most of the demons in the room flinch. Raising a brow, you waited for Todd's response.

"Th-they were asking me about w-what my assignment was and w-why you brought the human and dog with y-you," he responded, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his clipboard tighter.

"And what did you say to them?" you asked, your (E/C) eyes slowly fading into red and black, the colors swirling around like smoke.

"I said nothing," Todd replied, clamping his eyes shut as he finished his reply.

"That's all you had to say," you said, flicking your wrist.

Black smoke escaped from every demon in the room except Todd, quickly soaring over to you before disappearing into your palm. The meatsuits of the demons fell to the ground just after you absorbed the last damned soul. Pushing yourself off of the throne, you walked over to Todd and straightened his tie.

"Find replacements for the vessels, I'd hate to put them to waste," you stated, slapping his shoulder. "Choose demons that won't piss me off for the peanut gallery."

"Yes, your majesty," Todd nearly squeaked as you exited the throne room.

As you walked towards your destination, your eyes faded back to their original (E/C) color. The halls were empty, probably due to the entire demon population fearing for their lives, but you preferred it this way. Demons were like zombies, they were excellent in great numbers but weak as shit when they're in small numbers. Their temptations to gain leverage over you may be contained at the moment, but you couldn't afford to get comfortable. They might not be able to target you personally, but they could definitely target Alethia and Dude. Grimacing at the thought, you pushed the door of Rowena's room.

"Good to see you, Dearie, your plan has worked so far," Rowena smiled, standing up. "That doppelgänger you created fooled Lucifer is now burnt to a crisp in my place."

"You're a good asset to the team," you said, closing the door. "I'd hate to put your abilities to waste."

"What happened?" she asked, walking over to the table and pouring hot tea into a cup.

"Demons," you scoffed, "that's what happened."

Rowena shook her head, "Demons are too unreliable, (Y/N), maybe you should make your own underlings."

"What do you mean?" you asked, facing her. "I can do that?"

"Of course you can, you're more powerful than Lucifer at the moment, but your powers will continue to grow. Who knows what spells he and your mother used to turn you into this," she replied, sighing. "I still can't believe you haven't done anything to her yet."

"I'm deciding on what would be more satisfying," you said, lifting your arms as if you could actually weigh your options. "Watch her fade away into nothingness or absorb her entire being slowly and painfully?"

"Those powers of hers would prove to be useful to you," Rowena mused, sipping her tea. "There are powerful creatures out there that could put up a fight with the right resources. An army of superior creatures would be very useful."

"I'll do it when it's necessary," you said, folding your arms. "I'll deal with my mother later, right now I'm more focused on my father and uncle dealing with ol' grandma, Lucifer and the posh British Men of Letters."

Sighing, you walked over to the door, hesitating before exiting the room, "You know I can't fully trust you, but you're the only person I can rely on here."

"Don't worry, Dearie, you're like the daughter I've never had," Rowena stated behind you. "You have saved my life, even though you may have had some reason to do it, you're still better than Fergus and your family in my eyes."

Your lips formed a small smile, "I'd hate to have all of your wisdom go to waste."

Walking out of the room, you headed towards another room. It's been a day since you saw Alethia and Dude, but you had to uphold your emotionless reputation in order to control the demons. It pained you to stay away from her, and you knew it pained her and Dude as well. Knocking on the door, you waited for Alethia to unlatch the door. You heard her footsteps before the creaking of the latch, the door opening slowly as Alethia peeks out from the open slit of the door. She instantly opened the door wider, allowing you to enter. Dude was sleeping on the king bed on the left side of the room, but the one on the right was empty, the sheets still folded perfectly. Alethia closed the door, latching it shut as you turned around to face her. You started to say something, but her index finger on your lips stopped you from continuing.

She stepped closer, her head leaning up to meet your eyes. She pushed herself up on her toes, allowing her to be at your height. Her lips slowly met yours, her arms slowly weaving around your neck. Your mind had shut down the second her lips met yours, making all of your worries disappear. Slowly drifting your hands down to her waist, you squeezed her hips slightly. Separating from her lips, you smiled.

"Where did this come from?" you asked, biting your lip.

"I missed you," Alethia replied, grabbing your hand. "I haven't had any physical contact and I-"

You placed your index finger on her lips, "You don't need to explain, I know exactly what you mean."

She smiled, wrapping her hands around your waist and leaning her head on your chest. You could both hear and feel her heartbeat, the fast-paced thumps calming down slowly. Moving your hands to her back, you held her close.

"Do you want to go to bed?" you asked, putting your head on top of hers. "I'm putting some cuddles on the table."

"Cuddles first," she mumbled, lazily wrapping her legs around your thighs, "then sleep."

"Now that sounds like a deal."

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