“Is this somewhere I can call home, big brother?” Abel asked without looking at Cain. Not caring why he was here, Cain walked towards the house. He put the key in and opened the door.
“Come in.” the two brothers walked into the cool refreshing home. Denise had gone home already, but Cain wanted to call her back to start something he has been wanting to do. “You're the first enemy I know who didn't destroy my house after coming to it, you know that?”
“It just means you're good at making enemies.” Cain chuckled at the statement.
“Why are here, I know you didn't come all this way just for a sparring a match and to have a sleepover.” Abel gained a more tone face. He went out and said it.
“I came to kill you and Azrael.”
“I see you're still a child. You might as well leave. Azrael is my target. All those years you were lost and you still can't leave other people things alone.”
“It's my job, some men who have higher authority commanded me to do so.”
“Knowing your bosses they wouldn't tell you to kill the man who would is already one of the most powerful beings on the planet.”
“All the more reason I didn't come alone.” Cain went silent. “So other wise than that. How's your life going?”
“Outside of becoming the devil I'm pretty fine. I get attacked almost everyday, my maid is super hot and I want to fuck her every time I see her-.”
“Wait you have a maid!? We have to do everything ourselves, that's unfair.”
“Hey I live in the real world, so i can do whatever I can. She's got this nice ass body. Sometimes I just wanna bend her over and destroy her holes.”
“Man, you're lucky.”
“You can find someone in this city. Take some time and have fun, then we can have our final battle. Well if I win, it won't be the final battle.” Cain frown at the thought. He loved his little brother, but due to their allegiances he has to kill him or be killed.
A young Abel walks up to the house he has been told so much about. This is the home where his family should be. He approached the door.
“Abel.” He turned to see his older brother. A 10 year old Cain. Both of them started crying.
“Cain!!” he yelled as he ran to hug him. Cain hugged back rubbing his brothers hair.
“Where have you been? You went missing 5 years ago.” Cain asked but Abel didn't reply. The former then didn't care as he was happy to be with his brother again.
“Oh, who is this Cain.” Lilith appeared as well.
“This is my little brother, Abel.” Lilith became extremely surprised.
“Cain, who is this. Where's mommy and daddy?” Cain frowned.
“They are dead.” He told him the truth instantly. At the same time he grew happy. But Lilith adopted me, and she's super cool!” Lilith smiled at the praise. However Abel didn't take this likely.
“What do you mean they're dead, how? Why!?”
“It was 3 years ago bro. Also, guess what. I'm a demon now! I have a lot of powers and everything.” this was Abels breaking point, first his parents are gone, then his brother is with some mysterious woman, and now he's a demon. Their family was Christian. Abel strongly stuck by the idea. He was angry now, he didn't want to live in a world where his brother is a corrupted beast. He reached into his pocket and grabbed the cross necklace he wanted to give Cain, swiftly he struck Cain in his left abdomen. Once inside his body started to both ache and bleed.

Demon Mother
Viễn tưởng10 years ago, Cain's parents were killed in a house robbery. Today he is the son of Lilith, the Queen of Hell. But the time has come for Cain to embrace his new demon heritage. As everything he trained for is about to become reality.