Silent Treatment

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I know I didn't update this book for a week? I'm not sure. I've been busy but I'll make sure to update! I've did some other one shots for this book but haven't really finish them but you'll see it all after I've finish it. Now, enjoy!

Requested by Angelica525101

Duke's POV

"Love! Where are you?!" I called out, trying to find her. "Where could she be!?" I mumbled to myself. 'She wasn't in the bedromm, the kitchen and not even the living room. I don't see her walking around the hall. She can't be in the garden, it's still daylight. Where on earth could she still be!?' I walked towards the library, hoping she would be there. As I opened the door, I grinned in happiness when I saw Missi sitting on the chair, many books were on the table. I could still see her frown but I paid no mind to that.

3rd person's POV

"My love! Oh how I miss you so much!" Duke said, running towards her to give her a hug. Missi dodge his hug and continued to read, or more of PRETENDING to read. She was still clearly upset with him and Duke noticed it. He had tried to talk to Missi, tried to make conversation, but she didn’t care. Until he apologized, he wasn’t getting anything from her.

"Love, did I do something wrong?" Missi was too angry with him. How could he forget what had happen just a few hours ago! Missi turned her body to another side. She was beyond pissed and did not want to face him. Since he couldn't talk with her, he tried bringing her flowers. She  small smile had crept up onto her face but slowly disappeared since she did not want to give him any satisfaction from it. He tried doing a show for her this time. Magic tricks, songs even a dance but she would just turn away. It had already turn night.

"Love! Why are you like this?! Tell me if I did something wrong! Please!" Duke said, begging for her to tell him. The silent treatment she was giving had lasted for hours and duke couldn't hold on for much longer. He tried thinking if he did something that pissed her off.

"Are you angry because I ate your brownies? It was only brownies!!!"

Missi turned to him, she was furious when he said it was only brownies. "Okay, okay, those are your favourite brownies. I'm really sorry! I promise I'll get you a whole bunch of them," duke said, holding her hands. Missi looked at him unsure if he was telling the truth or not. "Really!!" He said. Missi still wasn't sure. "Cross my heart," he finally said. Missi was finally happy and let him cuddle her. "Remember those brownies!" She said. "I will," he said, satisfied to hear her voice.


Yay! I'm done! Every time I try to write 'Missi' it turns into 'Mission' such a pain.

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