Chapter 2 The Short Talk

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So yeah I'm back with chapter 2 so ya! Enjoy!

|Shirwin's POV|

As the bus drove down the road, we finally arrived at school. Of course it wasn't just Jonathan, Landon, Jeff, Mason and me there. There was still other people on the bus but I didn't really know them that much. so all of us got off and went to go see each other's friends.All greeting them and telling each other about their summers. I just sat behind a tree near the gate. As I just kept staring at Jonathan, the bell rang. That meant more people to avoid. Okay Sherwin get ready. As I started walking to class this little pink blur flew in front of me then quickly behind me. It was MY HEART!? W-what are you doing here?! The little heart said "Uh duh, why do you think I'm hear?" Um....because you uh... Okay first of all, I am Shirley your heart. Whenever you like someone I come out to confess your love! Um n-no you don't. Now get back in there please. Aww okay Sherwin. Wait, how do you know my oh I forgot. Your my heart. Correct! The little pink heart said. Well I better get inside to my locker. So as I walked inside there was so many people flooding the halls. Wow I said to myself. Okay you can do this. I read the paper that had everything on it I needed to know. My locker number is 152 okay and the combination is 2634. Got it! I accidentally yelled. A few people near me heard me and just started wispering mean things about me. I just walked away quickly ignoring all the mean names getting thrown at my face. It hurt but I had to stay strong. So I went to my locker and guess who was right beside me? It was Jonathan. His locker is number 153 so right beside mine. He walked up to his locker. We both got out all the stuff that we needed and the rest stayed in the locker. I quickly got my stuff out and walked to my first class until I heard a light gentle tap on my shoulder. It was Jonathan! Oh no what am I going to say or what am I going to do? Uh.....uh. Y-yes? I nervously said shaking while my legs turned to jello.

|Jonathan's POV|

I turned to the ginger boy that was right beside me. I asked him Your name is Shirwin, right? He looked like something was bothering him. Well who knows? He said "Um y-yes that's m-my n-name. Okay cool, uh, see you around bye! And I walked to my first class. It looks like I have English first. I walked to my English class. Mrs. Hill was the teacher so she greeted everyone who came in. I sat down beside this person. His name was I think Chris. Yeah, that was his name. So we worked on every thing and all the classes until lunch. Yay, finally lunch. Mmm so Hungary. I went to the cafeteria and got some food. Some people packed lunched and some people just got food from the cafeteria. I saw my friends and sat with them. We talked and laughed. While I noticed that same ginger boy that was beside me at my locker again. He looked lonely. He was all by himself eating. I wanted to grab my lunch and go eat with him since he was lonely but Jeff pulled me down for me to sit. We kept talking about the baseball practice tomorrow.

|Shirwin's POV|

And just like that he left. I mean, I wasn't mad at him or anything. He couldn't stay forever and talk to me after all this is school not summer break or free time. Well my first class was math. My teacher was Mr. Wabbagan and as I went into the class, he greeted everyone and sat down. Then we did the math. After all the classes it was finally lunch time. I got my lunch and sat down at this table with no one at it. I started eating. I saw Jonathan arrive in the cafeteria as he sat down with his friends. It looked like he was going to stand up and walk towards me but thank God Jeff pulled him back down now sitting again. I keep seeing him glance at me once in a while for some odd reason.

Who knows? Maybe Jonathan's heart beats for Sherwin's heart too! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I said I was going to be updating one a week and on the weekends but since I am new I wanted to make a few chapters on the first day. I might make one more chapter only if I have enough energy because it is now 11:26 PM and I am so tired. I will try to stay awake for one more chapter. Alright well until then bye guys! 😘   

In a Heartbeat SherwithanWhere stories live. Discover now