how to write a fanfic.

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Hey guys! It's me again! So I have something I want to say.

I am constantly getting DMs always asking me, "how do I write a fanfic as good as yours that also has my OC in it?" I'll tell You!

If you want to make a fanfic mostly based on the actual characters of the book, movie, tv show, etc, but want to have a small OC reference. That is awesome! Just like Mellow in my fic, she is mostly a background character. The babies are also background characters, both Jadan and Bianca aren't really there in most of the story. It mainly focuses on the main characters, Will and Nico

If you want to make an OC fanfic, here's some tips.
1. do NOT make your character perfect in every way possible! Give them flaws! Mellow in The Baby doesn't have any visible flaws in the fic, but she has no doubt alot.
2. Don't ship them with an actual  character from the series. I know you may be in love with them, but it'll just make the fanfic cringy and honestly unreadable.
3. This mostly applies to Percy Jackson fics. Please. Read ALL of the books before writing the fanfic. I see so many daughter of Artemis fanfics, it's kind of sad.
4. Please give them a realistic name. I often give my characters names that mean something in a different language or something about their personality. Or an opposite of their personality, like Mellow. I also sometimes give them real names, like Jadan.
5. If you are shopping them with another oc or an original character from the series, don't make their love a cheesy romance. Build it up alittle!
6. Please. Please. Please. PLEASE! Give them realistic features if they are a human character. Feel free to add something like 4 arms and a tail if they're an alien or something. But don't give them unrealistic details. This also doesn't apply if it's a furry oc
7. If you're writing a fanfic, try not to use a first person perspective. There are some times where it's good, like in Percy Jackson, but if you write in third perspective, you'll find it's easier to write.
8. Don't add extra details that aren't important to the story. They won't be needed. You can describe physical details but readers don't want to know that they're favorite food is hot dogs and they've been to California. It's not important. 
9. Know your oc better than your readers do. Your readers don't need to know their backstory unless it's important to the story

So now I shall give an example of a oc fic that these rules don't follow. This one is gonna take place in the Voltron universe.

"Hi there! My name is  Sunshine Glitter and I'm the secret 6th paladin in Voltron! I'm the pink paladin X3! I'm Alluras long lost twin sister from another universe and were totally besties. Im also 4'2" and weigh 93 lbs and am fat. My Bayard can turn into whatever I want because I'm skilled with all kinds of weapons, but I'm also very clumsy XD!!! Im half human and half altean too! I have bright pink hair and rainbow eyes! Me and Keith are in love! We discovered we loved eachother when I tripped an spilled my goop all over his armor X3 now we're madly in love! And Lance and Hunk are totally jealous of him cause they are totally love with me too but I love Keith more."

That is an example of some thing someone doesn't want to read with an OC. I can give you an OC of mine to basically show what a proper oc can be like.

Jonah is an 18 year old siren guard in a drep sea kingdom, which is in a deep undiscovered part of the ocean. One day after a few hours of hunting for the kingdom, he gets spotted by a few sailors and caught. He had hip length long hair so they had mistaken him for a female. They brought him back and started selling him across the black market. He was abused and underfed. When his last owner finally found out he was actually a male, he tortured him to the point he could no longer swim. Now that he was useless, his owner sold him one more time to a man named Mark. Jonah went home with Mark and Mark help him regain his ability to swim with machinery and let him get a hair cut. It caused Jonah to have a large metal part on his tail and made him more recognized as a male. After awhile, Jonah starts exposing more about Mark until he realizes a horrible secret that makes him lose alot of his trust in his new owner.

Im gonna end that there cause I'm gonna write a story about it soon enough. But that could potentially be a good OC, others may disagree.

And before you hate on this, just know this is only my opinion and I'm not gonna try to stop you from doing any of this. Im going going off on past experiences.

Feel free to comment or DM me of you have any quesions. Ciao!

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