9 || Letting you go

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-Soyoung's POV-

-Leave me alone Hyungwon – You said as you started to cover up your face with your pillow.

-Soyoung, what's happening with you? You are not acting like your usual self – Hyungwon said as he got inside your room.

-If you don't like it then go, Emily is coming in a few days, London is here and he knows that we're together and you are telling me to calm down? – You questioned as you started to tear up.

-Emily is not going to do anything against us, she's your friend and friends don't do that kind of stuff, plus, she's also a Monbebe – Hyungwon said a bit mad.

-How can you be so sure? How can you guarantee me that they are not going to be against us?! How Hyungwon? Just because she's a Monbebe? - You questioned upset.

-SOYOUNG, WHY DO WE ALWAYS HAVE TO FIGHT LIKE THIS?!! – Hyungwon yelled at you very mad.

As soon as he yelled, you knew that it was the end. They won and both of you lose against them.

Is this how is everything going to end?

You were having a horrible headache but you didn't care and went out of the room.

-Soyoung, where are you going? – Hyungwon asked madly as you started to pick up your stuff, then you send a text to Wonho saying if he could pick up Cookie and take him to his place.

-Soyoung? Soyoung?! – Hyungwon said worriedly as he grabbed your arm tightly.

-LEAVE ME! GO AWAY! I don't need anything of you if you are just going to defend everyone that it's against us. You changed the way I was, and everything I believed in for what? - You questioned him while tearing up. -Go ahead yell at me, hit me if you want! I don't care anymore. Why do I have to love you so much...? – You stuttered.

-Soyoung, I...

-No, don't say anything. This is the end, Hyungwon. I can't see us like this anymore, and if you are not going to believe me, then, why are we even together? – You said as Hyungwon started to tear up.


Resuming all that happen after that dark day you could say that; Hyungwon and you broke up, and you never spoke to each other never again. You changed to a new house with Cookie after that fight you had with Hyungwon, and the members never knew about your relationship with Hyungwon until he told them. Then Emily arrived and he stole Hyungwon, they started dating and then he broke up with her because of you; Hyungwon said that he couldn't stop loving you, and after that Emily got back to her hometown.

Also, London started to be more with you and started to treat you better, however you didn't want anything with him or anybody so you told him that, and nowadays he stills craving for you like a fool. Finally, in this current time, Monsta X members are begging you to talk with Hyungwon because they don't like to see him so sad and they don't want him to keep faking a smile with Monbebes.

Currently, you are alone like in the beginning, and you like it that way because nobody can harm you that way. You still going to the same college as Hyungwon and the rest of the members, and Lisa stopped her rude actions towards you for some reason.

Anyways. Right now you are at the college, it's already time to go. However, you are sitting down on the bench that it's outside of the college while you listen to some music.

-Are you not going back home? – Wonho asked as he took away your earphones.

-No, I want to stay longer here – You said cold.

-What about Cookie? You need to feed him – Wonho said with a sad glance.

-Well go ahead to my house and feed him, I don't care – You said a bit upset.

-Soyoung, I can't see you like this, you know that right? – Wonho said worriedly.

Suddenly you saw Hyungwon passing behind Wonho, then he looked away and kept walking away.

-Do you really mean it or are those just empty words? – You asked bitterly.

-What? Soyoung, of course, I mean it. I'm your best friend, did you forget? – Wonho questioned confused.

-YEAH I DID! AND WHAT ABOUT IT?! IF YOU CARE ABOUT ME DON'T SEARCH FOR ME, OKAY?! – You said as you started to yell at Wonho. As soon as you yelled Hyungwon looked at you surprised and worried.

-I'm sorry... I... I... -. You couldn't handle it anymore and some tears started to drop down your face, and Hyungwon stills there watching that messy and sad scene. "I'm becoming a monster" - You said scared to yourself. Without thinking twice you ran away from college.

-Soyoung! Come back! – Wonho said as he started to run after you.

-Hyungwon's POV-

Soyoung is changing so much, I can barely recognize her.

It's has been four months and a half since Soyoung and I broke up, and honestly, it's the worst thing I've ever made, including dating Emily. Soyoung warn me about it and I didn't listen to her, and I know she suffered that time because I started to date her like a month after we broke.

I saw everything that happen just now and I can see how much she has been suffering alone, with nobody by her side.

-I really want to do something for her, but she doesn't let me – Wonho said as he got towards me after running behind Soyoung.

-But she yelled at you, you didn't felt bad or something? – I asked confused.

-Yes but here is the difference between you and me Hyungwon. I know her and I know she's feeling bad when she starts to yell and say nonsense, in those cases the only thing you can do is console her and cuddle up with her. Something you didn't make months ago after you two broke up, that's why Shownu and I were telling you that it was too soon to be in a relationship with her. If you really want to know her well you need time to meet her completely – Wonho said as he patted my shoulder.

-So you are saying that it's my fault? - I asked a bit upset.

-No, actually the two of you are guilty; not taking the time to meet each other isn't the best... Listen I know this isn't a great feeling, but now you can try to make her fall in love with you again – Wonho said with a kind smile.

-No she doesn't want me near her, and I bet she started to hate me after I dated Emily – I said a sadly.

-Yeah, you really mess that up. But look at the good side, maybe she is just waiting for someone to repair her heart, and that someone is you. So, stop being that sad and let's go to the studio with the rest of the members, we have lots of stuff to do for Monbebes – Wonho said as he patted my back kindly.

-Monbebes... they are the only ones that can cheer me up - I said with a settle smile.

-I know, me too. Let's go, we'll talk about this later - Wonho spoke as he tried to cheer me up.

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