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"SHAWN!" I run over to Shawn after my performance as he getting ready to perform.

"Yeah, darling?" He looks deeply into my eyes as he turns around to face me.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a girlfriend?" I roll my eyes, purposefully ignoring the little pet name.

"I thought I did? Plus what does it matter to you? Aren't you dating spideyboy?" He raises his voice a little.

"Whoa. What is wrong with you? Why are you hating on Tom all of a sudden?" I asked. I would have assumed it's because he still has feelings for me, but it seems he has moved on with Hanna.

"Why are you answering my questions with questions? That's the real question." He raises one eyebrow as he walks faster ahead of me. I look around to see everyone's heads down and pulled Shawn into an empty corridor.

"Shawn...what happened to our friendship?" I look up into his eyes, to try to get him to look directly at me. It seems to that he rather be far away as possible from me than so close in proximity. "Shawn. Answer me...please?"

"You left me." He rushes back over to me and searched my eyes looking for something...a sign, perhaps? "Whatever. My girlfriend is waiting for me." He speeds walk away, leaving me to be confused.


"Babe?" Tom caress my head as we cuddle on the queen sized bed.

"Yeah?" I wonder what Shawn could be doing with Hanna?

"Hello? Did you hear what I said?" He waves his hands wildly in front of my face.

"Sorry babe...I just had a mini fight with Shawn and I just been on a bit of writers block," I rushingly answer. Only half of that was true. I did have a mini fight with Shawn, but I definitely am not in writers block.

"Awww babygirl, you can write about me? Can call it spider-man." He laughs, earning a loud giggle from me. "There's my girl."

"I can't believe how long it took for us to get together. We worked on a whole movie, and still didn't get together until later after? Why is that?" I looked up in his brown milk chocolate eyes.

"I was just being stupidly, shy boy? I had a crush on you, I just thought you were into someone else..." He trails off.


"kj. he always made jokes on how he saw more than all of us has ever seen of you..." he shrugged.

I roll my eyes in pure anger at Kj Apa, "he said that?" Tom nodded in response.

"Was it true? I-I m-mean i don't care... your past doesn't matter to me as long as you are with me, in the present." He smiles, pulling me on top of him giving me little kisses all over my face.

"Adeli-" Shawn walks in, just in time to see us mid-kiss. "I am so sorry," He runs out even leaving the door open in the process.

"That was weird?" Tom looks back at me.

"Yeah... I have soundcheck in like an hour. Want to go for at least two round?" I shrieked as he flips me over. "Ooh are we remaking 50 shades of grey?"


And I'm not trying to ruin your happiness
But darling don't you know that
I'm the only one for ya?

"Okay Shawn, sounds good!" Shawn walks off stage, to look up and meet my eyes.

"Shawn." I cross my arms.

"Yes...darling?" He smirks.

"Can we please just be friends, again?" I look down at my feet.

"Of course. We are both in committed relationships? and tom have split?" He shrugged.

"Nope. Still going strong...thankfully," I fake chuckled to lighten the mood.

"Great. I got to go, hanna wants me to shop with her," He responds, quickly. I can see how fast he wanted this conservation to end.

"Yeah... totally understandable."


sorry it took so long for an update! I had so much stress throw on me and had major writers block

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