Truth or dare!: Just so we can get to know each other better

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Alice's POV:

"I need to talk to you about what happened at the mall!" Temari said.

"Oh, what is it?" I said gesturing that she could take a seat beside me.

"Ever since you saw Gaara getting out of the changing room... you been so quiet!" I froze at my seat. "And you didn't speak once in the car, and when we got back you went straight up here!" She said.

"Temari, hum how should put this... em I'm always the quiet one in our gang, cause of my past," i said kind of awkwardly.

"Your past?" She ask. Great now I have to tell her.

"Well, before I met my friends about three years ago, I-I was always alone not able to trust people completely. I've always been alone, and a outcast. I've had some depression problems cause I've been bullied," I said.

"Oh, Alice I'm so sorry I didn't know," she said giving me a hug.

"It's not you fault, how could you know when you just came to this world," I said.

"And I just assume it was something to do with Gaara, how silly I am," she said.

From judging at her voice I think she's not finished with the talk. What should I just come clean? Well, if something should happen cause of this conversation I know who is ending up in one of my traps.

"Well, maybe something has to do with him," she said with a smirk.

"Okay, I get the point! Yes, I like him, cause I feel like I can identify myself with him. I think is a good person, but I don't know him that much to say that I have a crush on him... yet," I said.

"I knew it! I knew it, you like my little brother," she sung. How annoying she right know.

"And how is it going with Shikamaru?" I ask.

"We-we are just friends!" she said bushing.

"Hum, Mrs Temari Nara! Hum I think that sounds perfect," I said with a grin. If you just know what to say you can talk you away from everything.

"Yo-you think so?" she said still blushing.

Before I could answer someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's me! Don't shoot me kay! We are gonna have some social games, so move you lazy ass down to the living room. And yeah have you seen Temari?" Zoey said.

"She's in here with me, and you know I'm not the social type!" I said.

"Aw, c'mon A it will be fun, and beside they are your favorite anime character," she said.

"Al right, I'm coming, but don't blame me if someone ends up dead," I said while open the door to the hallway.

I saw Temari froze for a second. Hehe she should be scared. We went down to the living room, and I froze when I saw everybody siting in a circle with a empty bottle in the center. No way I'm playing truth or dare. I was about to turn away, and go back up stairs when Kankuro got up with a big grin on his face and grab my arm. I knew it, he is a perv!

"You aren't going anywhere," He said.

"Way are we playing truth or dare off all games you could pic you chose this one!" I said complaining. I don't have anything against it, it's just that Gaara is here too. And I think that Temari and Kankuro talked before she came up to me.

"You wanna play strip poker instead?" he ask.

"Emm...NO!" I said. Oh this is bad cause I kind of want to, but not the right time.

"Well, I start!" Chris said, and spin the bottle. It landed on Naomi.

"Naomi, Truth or dare?" he ask dramatically.

"Truth!" she said.

"Who in this room do you like the most? And it has to be a guy," he ask. Both me and him know that she just say that it's me, but that's not the truth.

"Sasuke," she said. The way Sasuke looked at her made me wonder if they have talked together.

After a half hour the bottle landed on me. Oh crap it was Kanuro who had spin it, and he had a pervy smile on his face.

"Alice, truth or dare?" He said.

"Dare," I said.

"I dare you to kiss Gaara!" he said.

"WHAT?!" I was just a inch away from hit him right in his face.

"You have to, it's a dare," Naomi said. So much for best-friends.

Okay, it can be quick. It desn't have to mean anything. I went over to Gaara, and I looked deep into his beautiful eyes. Then I leaned toward him so I could kiss him. His lips was so soft, and warm. First I just planned it to be a quick one but nothing I plan goes so. First it was just me, but then I felt he respond. He puts his hands around my waist and drags me closer, and I putt my arms around his neck. I forgot everything it was just me and him. I felt is tongue on my lower lip asking for entrance. I open my mouth. Then our tongues began to fight and he won. He explore every inch of my mouth. Then I heard something, and I came back to reality. I quickly got up and ran up to my room.

I turned on the stereo loud. I sat down in one of my coners. Just siting there listening to the lyricks of one of my favorite band. I  must have been in here for a hour when he came. I didn't notice him before sat down infront of me. I looked up and right in those green eyes.

"Gaara, I'm so sorry I," he broke me of before I could say anything more.

"It's not your fault, and now I know," he said soft.

"Know what?"

"Ever since I first saw you, I knew there was something about you. Now I know, and Temari has told me about you, and your friends too. I know we kind of are alike. We both have been alone until we finally found some one who cares about us, and I think we may have found something else too," he said.

Wow that the most I've heard Gaara say except when he talked to Kankuro about why he want to be Kazekage and the big speech before the war.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I'm not completely sure, but after what I've heard... I think I may... love... you," he said. What so quick I guess what people mean when they say love at first sight or something.

"I think I love you too," I said without thinking, but it felt right saying those words to him. I start to giggle when I heard the next track came on.

"What?" he said confused.

"The song that just came on, it just fit so well," I said. I don't do it often, cause I don't think my voice is any good, but hell with it. So I sang the song that came on.

"When I was younger I saw  my daddy cry, and curse at the wind. He broke his own heart, and I watched as he tried to reassemble it. And my momma swore  that she would never let herself forget, and that was the day that I promised  I'd never sing of love if it does not exist

But Darlin... you are the only exception. You are the only exception. You are the only exception. You are the only exception......"

When I was finished he gave me a hug, and then he kissed me passionately.

"Thank you," He said.

"I love you Gaara," I said.


Wow who would have thought of that? Hehe! Well sorry for using so much time to update. I hope you guys like it. The next one I think I turn back the time and see thing from Naomi's POV whatcha saying to that?

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