A new friend??

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"Oi, Alice wake up!" I heard someone call for me, when I felt my earplugs were forcefully ripped out of my ear.

"Huh? Wha-what's going on?" I said sleepy, lifting my head up, and slowly opening my eyes to see Zoey, Shikamru, Temari, Kiba, Chris and Gaara standing around my table in the library.

"You've fallen asleep while working on, whatever you working on," Zoey said gesturing to the pails of papers on the table.

"Hey, genius like me need to take a nap sometime," I said in defence.

"Yay, yay whatever we need to go to the P. E. They other have already gone," she said, and I looked at my watch, crap.

"Man! Do I need too? P. E. is too troublesome for me, can't I go back to sleep?" I complained, scratching the back of my head.

"No, so get you lazy ass up,and going," she put her hands on her hips.

"Hey, Shikamaru! She sounds like a female version of you," I heard Kiba's failed attempt to whisper.

"Hey, I heard that!" I said as I putted my stuff in my bag.

I grabbed Gaara's hand, and we left the library. While we walked down the hall, I could feel everyone starer at us. Maaan I hate getting so much attention. When we got to the locker rooms, Gaara gave me a light kiss on the lips before we parted. Inside the girls locker room I saw they other girls already chaning, exsept for Zoey and Temari who was following after me. I throw my stuff in my locker, and started to change. We went out to the gym area, and meet up with the guys. I felt Gaara's arm placing around my waist, like is was the worlds most natural thing. We played a "friendly" game of dodge ball, and even though the Naruto characters is suppose to be ninjas, but we none ninjas did make a hard time for them, muhahaha. I was super happy when I hit both Naruto and Kankuro. Sasuke being Sasuke had to hit me, cause I hit Naomi. The good thing is that Gaara avenged me.


"Hey, guys! Had a good day?" Kakashi greeted us when we entered the living room.

"Yeah, you can say that," Zoey said.

"Nom Nom, Gaara and Duck-butt! Can you all meet me at my studio about 30min?" I said running up the stairs, not bothering to wait for their answers.

I rigged everything, bass, guitars, drums, microphones and my computer, while having my stereo loud on with my favorite bands playing, is so boring doing rigging instruments. I still had some minutes left before they other should come up here, so I just checked my facebook and of course WATTPAD! I felt the door open behind me, so I checked the time. Right on time. I felt someone approach behind me. When I felt the person was right behind me, I turned around with a big "BO!". I ended up on the floor laughing my ass off by Naomi's reaction. If it hadn't been for Sasuke, she would fallen on her ass. When I got a hold on myself, I got up and turned the music off.

"I'm glad you guys cam," I said, well mostly to Gaara, and less to Duck-butt.

"Hn, why do want us to come up?" Sasuke said bored.

"Cuse we have a music assignment together, Duck-butt," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Stop calling me that! It's annoying," he said annoyed.

"What? Duck-butt? And for the record you're the one who is annoying, Duck-butt," I said.

"How am I annoying, eh? You don't know me!" he said raising his eyebrow.

"You all ways complain about your clan, and killing Itatchi! You join a pedophile, thinking that you can become stronger than you could ever be in Konoha! And when you finally find out the truth about him, you went against his last wish for you and joined Tobi or Madara, the one you prefer," I took a deep breath after that, and stared at him.

"You think you know everything, but you don't. You don't know how is it to be lonely," I clenched my fist at his last statement, and Gaara placed a hand on my shoulder. "You don't know how that feels, and for the record I went back to the Leaf when I found out the truth about Itatchi," Sasuke challenged me with his eyes.

"I know how it is...I know how it is being lonely...My family may still be alive, but I never felt that I fit in my family...I've been alone in a way as long I can remember until...Until I found my friends!" l said in a low voice looking on the floor, but at my last sentence I raised my head to look him right in his eyes, and spoke loud and clear. "Now, shall we begin?"


After trying back and forth, we found out who's playing what. Me on bass, Naomi on vocal and rhythm guitar, Sasuke (since he's terrible on drums) is playing lead guitar, and Gaara (who actually have a talent on drums) is playing the drums. It's hard to learn someone playing guitar and drums when they never seen that kind of instrument before. Luckily for me I have Naomi with me to help them out. After some failed attempts we have gotten the intro and the first verse to work, in a way. After two hours we found out that is was diner time. When I was about to leave the room, I felt a slight touch on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier," Sasuke said kind of reluctant, I guess Naomi made him do it.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too. Friends?" I stretched out my hand

"Hn," he said as he shock it, and left with Naomi.

Well I guess that the best I can get from him. I was just standing in the door to the hallway, basically thinking of nothing. Then I felt my feet lose contact with the floor as Gaara swept my up in his arms, bridal style. He started to walk down to the living room. I felt the heat rose up in my face.

"You're so cute when you blush," he stated, which made me blush even more if it was possible.

"Hey, you're right on time, the dinner is ready!" Temari said, and she smirked when she saw us.

"What are we having?" I asked, still in Gaara's Strong arms.

"Something called taco."

"OH MY GOAT! It's the best!"


So after many peoples request I'm starting on writing on this story again, so give a clap to yourself. This is the only story I don't have any particular plot planing, so is just to see how it ends. Comment if there's anything you like or dislike about this chapter, and suggestion on how Temari and Shikamaru should be getting together, and also, NarutoxZoey, KibaxSophie and ChrisxSaskura. And you can also help me decide who Kakashi and Kankuro should be with (maybe crate a character for me *puppy dog eyes*). Yeah, and vote to if you like it, and fan me if you REALLY like it ^/_\^

-See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2012 ⏰

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