Imagine for Katie

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---"katie, katie! wake up we have to go!" you boyfriend of 3 months michael shouted to wake you up. he had afew days of from touring and it was the day you was scared of most yo pretended to be asleep but michael got on the bed and started to tickle you because he knew you was pretending. after a little while of play fighting on the bed you got up and got ready to go out. when you was ready you went and got some breakfast

---"Michael! what if they dont like me?" you asked him he kissed your forehead

---"they will love you because i love you!" he said reasurring you he picked up his keys and you went and got in the car.

you pulled up infront of a nice big house and you started to feel very nervous and felt sick michael opened the car dorr for you and held you had all the way up the path to the door. you walked in and was greeted by his mum she was kind and sweet and offered you a drink you nodded and went in to the living room to be greeted by his dad who was nice too he was asking you all sorts of questions and you answered as many as you could. you were all say around talking when michael said

---" i will be right back jusst need to use the loo" you gave him a scared look as he walked off. you were now sat alone with his parents when his mum sat next to you grabbed you hand and said

---"look sweetie your a lovely girl and theres no need to be uncomfortable around us we do like you. we have never seen michael so happy in his life your more than welcome here any time you want and from the bottom of ur hearts we hope michael marries yoou one day because you look perfect together" you were soo shocked and just smiled you gave her a hug and said 

---"thank you both of you it really does mean a lot i love you son with all my heart and dont know what i would do with out him" at that moment michael walked back in and said 

---" its getting late are you ready to go katie?" you nodded and stood up hugging both his parents you walked out and walked to the car holding hands with michael. all the way home you were quiet when you got home you went straight to bed michael quickly followed.

---"thanks for coming with me today katie im glad you got on well with my parents" he said 

---"dont worry about it babe i had a great time i loove you soo much and you parents are really nice" you replied. you cuddled up close to him and kissed him and watched films and drifted of to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2014 ⏰

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