The Beginning

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I noticed that there's not a lot of RWBY watches the series fics out there. So I decide to write one. I'm hoping to get to at least the end of the first volume. This is my first serious fic so be gentle, ok?

All was peaceful. Well, as peaceful as you can get in the world of Remnant.

The story begins with a flash of light that will change the lives of multiple people. This is a tale of new beginnings and changed endings. Things are going to be different now. The question we must ask ourselves is if the changes that about to come about are going to be for the better or for an even worse end.

As our story begins we come to a room set in the standard theatre style. A large holoscreen is set to a wall with couches and chairs set around it. That flash of light that flash of light that was previously talk about flashes into this room as well depositing numerous figures that are unconcious.

A young woman in a white cloak is the first to awaken. This particular young woman is someome of great importance, she just doesn't know it yet. Her name is Summer Rose and she will give birth to a child with a great destiny. She is also the leader of Team STRQ.

"Mm, where am I?" Summer asks, looking around frantically. When she spots the other members of her team she lets out a sigh of relief. As the others start to stir she notices that they are not alone in the room.

Throughout the room are characters that she recognizes and some that are unfamiliar to her. She and the rest of her team are all one couch.

On another couch is a couple, both with dark hair. The way they snuggle is actually really cute. The male, who is quite large is wrapped around his female counter part as if to protect her even as he sleeps. What can be seen of the female is her dominant Faunus trait. One her had of jet black hair are a pair soft looking cat ears.

In one of the chairs is a tall woman with vivid red hair. She's slouched in the chair limbs strewn about in a wild manner. She most definitely is going to be sore when she wakes.

On one of the loveseats is another couple. The female has golden blonde hair that is in a messy ponytail. She can tell that is quite long be the way it trails down the back of the love seat. The man the blonde is half resting on is on the large side. Although this male is not as large as the dark haired male of the couch with the Faunus woman. This male had dirty blond hair that is messy as well.

Stuffed into an armchair is a couple that could only be the Shnees. They're white hair is a clear indecater. Mrs. Shnee is settled comfortably in her husbands lap. Mr. Shnee is clearly a tall man. The hieght of his wife is hard to tell at the moment as she is slouched against him.

On the last loveseat was a tall man that had black hair with gray streaks in it. His hair is pulled up into a ponytail. His companion is a petite woman with dusty rose colored hair.

Just when Summer thought she had surveyed all the people ibn the room she hears a groan come from behind the couch she is on. Summer twists on the couch to look the floor directly behind her. Low and behold there is one last couple here. One the floor in a jumble of limbs is a hulking orange haired man and a small woman with purple hair. The lady looks a bit red as she is being smooshed by the man.

It takes a while but everyone regains consciousness. From there it's pandemonium. Everyone is shouting and there are plenty of angry jesters.

Summer spots a scroll on the previously unnoticed coffee table. She tries to get everyone's attention but they just won't listen. She manages to get Taiyang's attention so she shows him the scroll.

"Everyone shut your cake holes," Taiyang hollers and the room descends into silences.

"Hello everyone. I know you must be confused as to why we are all here. Well now that we are all calmed do I can show you this letter I found on the coffee table. I'd like to note that this coffee table was not here until we all were awake. So that's super weird." Summer explains.

Suddenly the scroll begins to ring and the people in the room look around a bit panicked.

"Should we answer it?" Summer askes the room. With a round of nods from everyone there she taps the answer button.

The scroll jumps from her hand and flops on to the table face up. The scroll starts to project the figure of a young woman behind a desk. The young woman has purply-silver hair and her blue eyes are covered by a pair of square framed green glasses. She can be seen looking at a piece of paper.

"Hello, everyone. My name is ShadowTomes but you can just call me Shadow," she says.

The room erupts in chaos as everyone starts to ask questions at the same time.

"ENOUGH," Shadow shouts and the room quiets. "Listen I understand that you are all confused but shouting at me is not going to help clear any of this up. I have a job to do so if everyone will sit down and shut up that would be great. Thanks."

There was some protesting but eventually they did as she asked.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Shadow announces. "You have all been gathered here today because somehow the future has gone horribly wrong. Now the world of Remnant is by no means peaceful but the way things are going only leads to chaos. I have been given premission by forces greater than you or I to show you the way things are going. All this is in hopes that your future can be saved. Now I was given a list of all the people that are to be here."

"I will now read it off:

-Summer Rose

-Taiyang Xaio Long

-Qrow Branwan

-Raven Branwen

-Jacques Shnee

-Willow Shnee

-Ghira Belladonna

-Kali Bellabonna

-Neiro Nikos

-Magni Valkyrie

-Nanna Valkyrie

-Gideon Arc

-Eve Arc

-Li Ren

-An Ren

Is everyone here? Ok good. If I could direct everyone's attention to the holoscreen then we will begin. The images will play by themselves and every time someone interrupts they will stop. After each segment it will also pause to give you a moment to react. I hope you find this informatics." Shadow concludes.

The group turns to face the screen as the lights dim. The projection on the scroll dies down and lays dormant for now. The shows beings. 

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