The Black Trailer

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The occupants of the room wait in a tense silence as the next trailer begins to play.

The opening quote is shown: "Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation."

Blake sits on a rock outcropping watching red leaves drift down in the Forest.

"Ah, the Forever Fall. It's good to know that at least that hasn't changed. With ail that we've been shown it's nice to see some things are the same," commented Gideon.

"Yeah, Forever," adds Taiyang.

Adam walks up to her

Kali and Ghira tense and share a glance. They would recognize that vibrant res hair anywhere. They look on in trepidation.

Adam: Blake, it's time.

She slowly turns toward him.

Blake: Okay.

The camera drifts down to show a train rushing through the forest.

The Schnee couple start to pay close attention. Jacques stares shrewedly at the screen.

"That's a Schnee train," Willow informs everyone.

Adam and Blake slide down the hill onto the top of the train. Upon boarding it, they enter a car full of AK-130 Androids.

"That's a lot of Androids. Do you really need that many?" Asked An.

"I don't know. Usually our cargo trains are protected because of the valuable Dust we ship out but that does seem a bit extreme, " answers willow, who just as puzzled.

She looked at her husband to see his thoughts on the manner. Jacques' face is closed off. He has a hard look in his eyes.

Adam: Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way.

The Androids activate and circle the duo.

Blake: Don't be so dramatic.

An Android activates the guns on its arms.

Android: Intruder, identify yourself.

Adam responds by cutting the Android in two and he and Blake proceed to completely annihilate the Androids in the car. Eventually, they burst out of the freight car onto a flatcar and encounter a horde of Androids running towards them.

"Wow there's more," mummers Raven.

Adam: Let's do this.

They decimate the horde and enter into a second freight car.

"They're not doing an efficient job at protecting the train. I hope you can get a refund," Neiro scrutinizes.

Adam opens a box and examines the contents inside.

Adam: Perfect. Move up to the next car.

He closes the trunk.

Adam: I'll set the charges.

Blake: What about the crew members?

Adam: What about them?

Kali sucks a breath. Her head snaps to her husband. He is stony face.

She wonders what happened to the child she knows now. What happens to the boy to make him decide that killing these people is ok. She knows that the people of Menagerie have different ideas but never like this. They were trying to promote peace and coexistence.

Adam turns his head around and sees a Spider Droid climbing down from the ceiling of the car. Adam moves to fight it.

"What is that?' Jacques asks intruqued."I've never seen anything like it before."

"It's horrible," Eve says.

Blake (anxiously): Adam.

Adam and Blake try to fight it, but it doesn't go so well. Adam grabs Blake before she is about to be crushed by the droid's legs.

Blake: We need to get out of here.

Eventually the fight moves out of the car onto another flatcar.

"They are putting up a pretty decent fight but it's not doing any good against that thing," comments Qrow as he studies the scene.

Adam: Buy me some time!

Blake: Are you sure?

Adam: Do it!

Blake distracts the droid while Adam readies his next attack. As she jumps back to Adam some time later...

Adam: Move!

The droid fires a powerful beam. Adam catches the beam with Wilt. As his body starts to glow, the droid jumps toward him. Adam then slashes out with his sword, disintegrating the droid and even affecting the trees in the Red Forest causing their leaves to fly into the air.

"What a peculiar move. I feel like I've seen it somewhere before," comments Raven.

The other members of Team STRQ share a look. They each wonder why this dude fights in such a familiar way.

As Adam walks back towards Blake, he finds her on a separate train car standing near the connector between the cars. As he reaches out to her...

Blake: Goodbye.

"Oh, how brave. She left her partner to save these people. That has to hurt. I doubt she'll ever to gain his trust again. Poor thing," says Kali as she looks on in sadness for the faunus girl.

She severs the connection and lets the released carts slow down as she lets the rest of the train continue en-route. As she leaves, the background becomes completely red with a black silhouette of Blake in the middle, with black leaves falling down. Then the camera zooms out from the title card and the silhouettes of , and Blake Belladonna becoming defined.

The lights brighten once more and the people began to discuss the happenings of the trailer.

Jacques is muttering about how horrible the Faunus are while his wife stares at him in disbelief.

Team STRQ start to discuss why they think the two people were stealing the cargo. They haven't made any concrete ideas yet.

They Belladonna's sit in silence and try to get over the fact the child they occasionally take care of will grow up to be this type of person.

The rest of the inhabitants of the room make idle chatter.

After a while the lights begin to dim and screen turns on again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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