The Red Trailer

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The beginning chords of "Red Like Roses" are heard as the black reveals the words:


"That's a pretty weird name. Also I'd make an awesome vulgar joke about this but I don't feel like being hit right now," comments Qrow.

The text glows and scatters in red and white petals, and the full moon is shown amid falling snow and a floating red petal.

a new series by Monty Oum

"Who is this Monty Oum that they speak of?" Magni asked in a rather loud voice.

"Inside voice, dear." Nanna reminds her husband.

"Oh, sorry," he responds in a much quitter manner.

"Monty Oum," Jacques starts in a rather snobbish manner, (FYI I don't really like him. I'll try to keep it out of the fic though), "Is the name of a supposed Oracle in many Legends."

"It's quite amazing, really. All over Remnant there are similar tales of him. The wording might change but each place always has one this in common. They always have his name in the stories," chimes in his wife, Willow.

"Wonderful, now that this history lesson is over, can we get back to this? I do't know when they well be returned at this rate. I have a date to get to." grumbles Raven.

Taiyang deflates a bit at this news.

Several more petals join the original, which passes over the words and dissolves them in red and black.

A figure in a red hood and flowing cloak is seen under the moon and in a snowy landscape, the cape constantly producing dozens of wind-blown rose petals. An altar is seen near the edge of the cliff that the person is standing at, who turns and walks away to let the audience see the rose symbol on the marker and the words "Summer Rose - Thus Kindly I Scatter".

Summer can't breathe. She sucks in breath after breath but it's to no avail. Spots dance a crossed her vision as she feels the hot prick of tears forming in her eyes.

She's fells the couch she is sitting on dip as she catches a flash of bright blonde out of the corner of her eye. She thinks it's Taiyang coming to comfort her and for a moment her sorrow recedes and a warmth blooms. She turns to face him only to find out that it's Eve. This distresses her further.

"Shh, honey, it's ok," Eve hushed her. Eve takes Summer's hand and places it on her chest. "Breathe with me. That's right. Feel my chest rise and fall. Can you match mine?"

Summer is having a hard time matching Eve breathes but eventually she succeeds. She calms but is still shaken about the news of her death.

"Oh, get over it," Jacques snaps.

The occupants of the room glare at him.

"Oh, do shut up," retorts Kali. "We all know that we will die one day but we also know we won't be around to see the aftermath. Not to mention she just found out she has a daughter. She was just given a shock. I imagine that we will all be in shocks ourselves."

The red-hooded wanderer slowly walks through a snowy forest, where shadowy, beastly shapes quickly dart through, before coming to a clearing and looking around at the sight of around a dozen black-coated, red-eyed Beowolves circling their prey.

"Oh no," mummers An.

Summer's breath hitches.

Three decide to dash forward and attack through jumping, but the figure disappears in a swish of rose petals, and the creatures crash to the ground and look up.

Outlined by the moon's light, her cape swirling around her body, is Ruby, who reaches behind her in slow-motion, pulls out a rifle, and fires a shot that blows a large part of a Beowolf's head out in a burst of blood-red smoke.

"That's a pretty impressive weapon," Qrow pipes in.

More Beowolves start to attack as Ruby lands. She leaps over the first beast and shoots it in the back, then, still in the air, blasts another one's side and gets into a position where she can fire at the third dead center. She rolls back and stands, unfolding Crescent Rose into its larger - and deadlier - scythe form.

"Whoa," breathes Qrow. " I thought is was awesome before but now. Wow. What how does she have a scythe? I thought I was the only one who had a scythe."

One of the braver Beowolves goes forward, but Ruby merely spins, hooks its body in the curve of her blade, smiles at the camera as the monster growls, and fires the sniper section at speeds that sever the creature's body in a shower of petals. Both halves land on the ground, continuing to bleed roses, and the rest of the pack charges.

Ruby, rotating the weapon, unloads her spent bullet and drives the blade into the ground, firing from a single spot at several approaching monsters until one swipes at her feet, narrowly missing as she jumps up with Crescent Rose and blasts back, digging it into the ground again when she sees more creatures emerging from the woods.

A Beowolf almost gets her with its claws, but she twists out of the way, fires at the monster in front of her to make the weapon and wielder spin, and kicks at the one behind her. She twirls the scythe and cuts down Beowolves from both sides, dodging another attack to hook a beast in and blast out at an approaching creature to kill both.

Ruby leaps over two, goes in to dismember and cut down one, and catches another's neck in her blade with her on the beast's back before pulling the trigger and beheading it while flying upwards. Two Beowolves follow, but she shoots her way down and slices them up when she has to block from a wolf's swipe on the ground, which pushes her back and lets her see the large number of enemies left.

Nodding, Ruby drops her previous cartridge, inserts another with a cross symbol, loads it in, and blasts off at a higher speed than ever before, coming at the dumbfounded Beowolves like a rocket when she converts the scythe to a sickle-shape and spins her way through the mass, cutting up and down, left and right, leaving bullets, rose petals, and blackened body parts flying into the air. She disembowels them quicker and quicker until the last one falls, she blasts into a jump, and lands in a pose with her scythe hanging behind her as bullets rain from the sky.

Ruby's form is darkened to a silhouette against the red moon while credits are seen under her image, right before the picture spins and slides itself into the collection of other unseen girls

The lights turn back on and everyone starts to chatter.

The majority of the room is quite in pressed with the girl.

Team SRTQ just sits in silence trying to process. They are failing.

The lights begin to dim and the room descend into silence once more. 

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