Chapter #6🌹

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I was on my way once a again to the football field, but this time with Jimmy. I still can't get over his reaction, he said I looked good and I'mma take his words for it.
For the first time in years I felt right with the clothes that I'm wearing, I felt amazing, like I could make the World mine.

Jimmy and I finally reached the field and everyone's jaw dropped to the floor, I felt good about that. I really don't know why but I felt like a sassy bitch being praised hahaha.

"Yooo, who is this?, are you sure you're Y/N?!" Mason said really impressed.
"Dude, what happend to you? You look hot. If you weren't a gay I would not hesitate to ask you out" Shawn told me and some of the guys agreed to his words.

Yes, the whole school knew I am gay, that's one of the reasons that Austin said what he said today on the morning, but I really don't care about him right now.
I still don't feel a connection to the 'label' I got placed, like I am trapped in something that is not mine.

"Altight, alright. Boys...let's start this training" I said punching my left palm with my right fist. Everyone cheered and bumped their chests, I love playing with this dudes.

Everyone walked to their positions and the offense waited for me to give the play. Shit, hmm let me think...seventy two's?.

"What's the play Ponce?" The center Jake Flores said.
"Uh, let's do seventy two's" I said securely and everyone nodded and waited for me to say the magic word "hut". I placed the helmet on and started.

"Seventy two!, seventy two!. Ready?!, set?!...Hut!" I yelled and the play went off. Shit they are coming for me.

Thomas Connell, one of the tacklers is coming for me and he is about to tackle me!, oh shit Y/N do something.
I quickly move to the side and dodge him and he fell to the ground a bit hard but i know he is gonna be alright.

There is an open spot for me to go through but my receivers are on the right spots!, Y/N throw it!, QUICK.

I inmidietly throw it to Zayn Malik the wide receiver on the left side and catches it beautifully and makes a touchdown.

HOLY CRAP, I did it!. No...WE did it!.

" Woohoo!, yeah!. That was amazing Ponce, you had an open spot but decided to throw" Liam Payne, the 'tight end' of the team said to me.
"Jeez Ponce, you got Connell eating grass! hahahaha, nice dude!." Edgar Lawrence 'the guard' told me giving me a high five.

I was in shock, I couldn't believe I did that. Fuck, it looks like my buddy Thomas needs some help. I went beside Thomas, he was sitting down holding his stomach. This doesn't look good.

"Hey man, are you alright?!" I asked him worriedly. "Yeah, it's fine. I feel like barfing cause I fell on my stomach pretty hard" he said and continued. "Dude, that play was insane!, it was awesome how you threw the ball and Malik catching it like a Pro!, it looked like a movie man" He said excited and winced a little due to his pain.

I help him up and we walk to the circle that the guys formed.

"Hey what's up guys?" I said.
"Dude!, that fucking play was gold, I can't believe you did that" Jimmy said pumped and I said "Me neither bro, I felt nervous because of the sudden rush of you guys!. This is why I love this sport".

"What will you say if could replace Mahone when he is absent to our games?" Ethan Dolan from the Defense actually the 'cornerback on the right side' said and his twin brother Grayson 'Outside Linebacker on the right side as well' continued.
"Yeah, you are always there! You never miss a game. C'mon!" Everyone waited for me to answer...

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