Chapter 1: One Fine Day

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Bad Boy in Love:

Chapter 1:

I woke to the sound of my phone blaring out 'Boombayah by Blackpink. I snapped awake immediately and screeched loudly when I saw how late it was. Somehow I had slept through my first five alarms. Now I only had half an hour before homeroom started.

I threw the bedcovers aside and pulled my school uniform out my closet after running a brush through my long hair. I quickly changed, cursing the multiple layers of a blouse, vest and blazer as I ran down the stairs. A note lying on the kitchen table caught my eye and I picked it up and read it whilst waiting for my toast. There was no way I was going to school on an empty stomach. There's always time for food.


I'm going to be late home again. Your brother's in charge of dinner.


He had been late home from work the past two weeks. It was beginning to not be a surprise. The only upside of leaving my older brother Taehyung in charge was the takeout. Last night he had said we could get fried chicken if Appa was late again.

That did put me in a good mood. For a second. Then I saw the time. If I didn't leave now I would be late again.

I popped the toast early and shoved it in my mouth as I ran out the door. Taehyung's shoes weren't there so I definitely knew he had gone to school without me. Selfish bastard. He could have woken me up before he left.

As it turns out running to school with a slice of toast in your mouth is a bit of a safety hazard and gets you lots of strange looks. Who knew? I also got honked at by a fancy looking car with blacked out windows at the school gates for running in front of it.

I flipped my middle finger at the car and ran up the hill. By the point my lungs were burning from running the whole way to school. I really needed to build up my stamina.

Fortunately, I made it to my homeroom one minute before the bell. On a normal day my homeroom class were usually sitting in their seats waiting for the teacher at this time. Today there was an air of excitement in the air. The girls were all grouped together in their little cliques with a few exceptions and the boys were all gathered at the front of the classroom. The class president was standing at the doorway looking down the corridor and glared when she saw me.

Considering that I had less than a minute before the teacher arrived I found my seat and sat down before finding out why everyone was so excited. I turned to the girl sitting behind me who raised her eyebrows at me.

"You're even later than usual, Crystal. Couldn't your brother let you on his motorbike?"

Amber was my best friend. She was a major tomboy and didn't care who knew. She had auburn crewcut and would have worn trousers instead of a skirt if the school rules allowed it. Amber was the only other Korean American girl in my homeroom so we had naturally migrated towards each other on my first day of school two months ago. I had spent most of my life in the US before moving to Seoul.

I pouted at her. "I only woke up thirty minutes ago and I live 25 minutes away so you should be impressed that I actually got here in time."

Instead of replying she passed me a tissue. I was confused until I realised that my forehead was dripping sweat.

"You don't want to look that perspiration challenged when he arrives," she commented mysteriously.

"Who's he?" I asked.

Our homeroom teacher was a female so it couldn't be anything to do with her. I looked at Amber for an answer. Her expression cleared when she noticed how confused I was.

"Of course. You only came here two months ago. Someone that used to be in this class had to study in the US for three months. He's coming back today. Someone saw him in the teacher's office 5 minutes ago and passed it on."

Whoever this boy was he was enough to get the entire homeroom class excited. Maybe he was good looking to both males and females.

The class president who had been at the door shouted out a warning and everyone scrambled to sit down. The teacher entered first through the first sliding door and then the mysterious male student came in through the second door.

His entry set off lots of whispers and gasps through the female population of my class. I strained my ears to work out what they were saying.

"He's even better looking than he was before."

"Has he been working out?"

"I'm so Jungshook."

I glanced at the returning student as he made his way to the front of the class. Even I had to admit that he was nice looking. Living with Taehyung had raised my attractive boy standards to a level I had thought was unattainable until today.

His hair had been dyed brown and his bangs were artfully arranged to half cover his forehead. His eyes were wide and hazelnut brown. There was also a spark of mischief in them. His body fit the male school uniform well and his arms looked toned and muscular through the jacket. One of ears was pierced with three star shaped earrings. I was sure that was against school rules.

The teacher cleared her throat loudly which almost silenced the class. I could still hear some faint whispers though. One girl looked like she was about to pass out when the boy winked at her.

"As you've noticed, Jeon Jungkook has finished his study abroad," the teacher informed the class.

Jeon Jungkook. That explained the 'Jungshook comment.'

"You can sit down now," she said to him and he began walking towards the back.

"Crystal, you have a problem," Amber said hurriedly.

I turned around to stare at her and whirled around when someone tapped my shoulder. Jungkook was leaning down towards me. His eyes overwhelmed me and I felt trapped in his gaze. The sound of his voice jerked me out of it.

"You're in my seat."


Crystal looks like this for anyone wondering:

More BTS members will turn up in later chapters

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More BTS members will turn up in later chapters. I would love to have Boombayah as my alarm. My mother is too strict though :(

Let me know what you think. ♥️

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