Chapter 4: Carpooling with the bad boy

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Bad Boy in Love:

Chapter 4:

"I'd rather not," I scoffed and walked on.

Just when I had been thinking that Jungkook might not be as annoying as I had originally thought he went and did something like this. This was Taehyung's fault again. None of this would have happened if he hadn't invited Jimin around last night.

"Come on Crystal," Jungkook called out. "It's a long walk and you're running out of time."

I checked the time on my phone. He was right, if I dawdled anymore I would end up needing to run to school again.

"You're the one making me run out of time," I retorted and carried on walking.

"It's your chance, Crystal-ah," he mocked in English.

I had a feeling that he was referencing something I didn't recognise. I cleared the street corner and breathed a sigh of relief until I heard the car rev and turn the corner. It seemed like he was intent on following me the whole way.

I turned around. I couldn't stand the idea of being followed the whole way to school so I gave up.

"All right, I'll get in."

Jungkook opened the door for me and I slid in. The seats were smooth leather. At least my tortuous trip in Jungkook's car involved comfortable seats. The unfortunate thing was that it was just the two of us in the back.

"Where's Jimin?" I asked.

Surely it would be a waste for both brothers to travel in separate cars. Maybe Jungkook came from a chaebol family? I scoffed internally at the idea. There was no use in a chaebol attending my school.

Jungkook pouted at me. "Do you like my brother more than me?"

I glared at him. "He's nicer to me than you are."

"I'll have to try harder," he sighed dramatically. "The bad news for you is that he takes his motorbike to school so you get to spend 10 minutes alone with me."

I decided to ignore the flirtatious part and focus on the other part.

"Why do you get a fancy car and he doesn't?"

"I'm too cute to walk to school by myself," was the unhelpful answer.

He was more vain than I had thought. I settled for looking out the window and ignoring him. He would eventually get bored of baiting me. The ignoring technique usually worked. Unfortunately, what worked on most people didn't work on Jungkook.

"I'm too popular to walk to school you know. I would get mobbed."

I snorted, but didn't say anything.

"I don't know why I'm popular though. All the girls say I'm cute. I'm 17, I don't want to be seen as cute forever."

I gritted my teeth. We were stuck in traffic at the intersection close to the school. I would be able to escape soon.

"Get muscles then," I contributed. "You'll stop being cute to most people then."

"I have abs thanks," he replied. "Want to look?"

I had dropped myself in it. I kept my eyes closed in case he lifted his shirt. Jungkook laughed softly.

"I'm not going to flash them at someone that doesn't want to see them."

That was surprising decent of him. I was about to open my eyes when he ruined it.

"All you have to do is ask and I'll show you."

"Fuck off," I said and cringed.

If he told Taehyung about my swearing, I would end up walking to school alone again and what were the chances that Jungkook would mysteriously pop up again?

Jungkook burst into laughter.

"I could tell Taehyung-hyung about that," he paused. "We're here."

As I ungracefully got out the car, holding the back of my skirt down with my hand to avoid showing anything, I realised that there were a lot of people watching me being dropped off with the most popular boy in school.

If this was anything like a kdrama, I would have the school's bitch on my tail.

"You could have dropped me off somewhere more discreet," I hissed at him.

To his credit, Jungkook looked nervous as if he realised what effect it could have on me.

"You can stand up to the haters. Let me know if you need anyone beating up for you."

What kind of support was that? I sighed and marched off resolutely to my homeroom class. If I was lucky no one would have recognised me. I didn't have a very good social profile and I am fairly new. I might escape being known for travelling in Jeon Jungkook's car.

No one in my homeroom class looked at me strangely when I walked in so I relaxed and sat down. Amber raised her eyebrows at me.

"I heard on the grapevine that you came to school with someone very popular," she whispered.

"How did you know?" I murmured back.

Amber held up her phone.

"Victoria in the year above sent me a photo, asking if you were my friend Crystal."

I placed my head on my desk and groaned. Damn Jungkook.

"Am I going to get bullied? You have more experience with Korean high school than me."

"Explain that your brothers are friends," Amber said bluntly. "That will dispel most of the rumours."

I had texted Amber last night about Jungkook turning up at my house and she had found the whole thing extremely hilarious. Now it wasn't very funny.

"Shit Crystal, Jisoo's coming over here. She's Jungkook's biggest fan!" Amber warned.

I hastily sat up straight and tried to look like I was busy reading a Math textbook. Jisoo came to a stop by my desk and flipped her long black hair back.

"I hear you were in Jungkook-oppa's car just now," she said with an accusatory tone.

"So what if I was?"

"He doesn't live anywhere near you," she hit back.

"How do you know that?"

She was probably a saesang. For a moment I pitied Jungkook. Then I remembered that if she was a saesang she would have no problem attacking me for getting close to her oppa. Currently I was in more danger than him.

She flushed in embarrassment. "It doesn't matter!"

"So what if I gave her a lift to school?" a familiar voice said. 


A/N: I am feeling mostly better now. It's my parents that are worse. 

I can't find any pics of Jungkook showing his abs so you'll just have to imagine it. :)

In case you don't know a chaebol family, it's one that owns a business that stays in the family and they are usually very rich. A saesang is a very obsessive fan and they can be dangerous in some cases like when they break into dorms.

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