tagged again yaaya

18 0 1

Another tag, i feel so popular. thanks fangirlingsmything

1. Last song you listened to?

Kill All Your Friends by My Chemical Romance.

yes i'm a repressed emo

2. Last person you texted?

Pocketsizedpal my dude

3. What did you do today?

my days are always filled with existential angst, doubt and loneliness :)

4.Weather report?

idk what the report was buT ITS OUR FIRST DAY OF SNOW

5. Last book you read?

The God Delusion, probably not as popular among the people on Wattpad, but its very philosophical

6.Favourite Anime?
Bungou Stray dogs or Attack On Titan, idk they're both gr8

7. Donuts or Cupcakes?

I can't stand any other icing than cream cheese so donuts

8.Cats or Dogs?

Cats are cute but, I mean, dogs y'know?

9.School or Loneliness?

I'm already lonely af so loneliness.

10. Ever After High Or Barbie?

I'm more familiar with Barbie but I choose EAH because if I chose Barbie i'd be attacked by social justice warriors idk

LiveFor_TheMusic (you probably did this one but this makes me look like i'm not lonely)

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