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A small frustrating sweat building up on Tom's brow was enough for him to give up on trying to spark his cigarette with an empty red BIC. He huffed, dropping his cupped hand from the cigarette and slumped hard against one of the large, round navy blue water tanks that sat in a line along the bricks of the school building. The only way to get into the small 3-person corner that he'd occupied, was to jump down a 1.5 meter high stone ledge that acts as the boundaries of the school's hockey oval.

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, indicating he'd received a message, and snatched the unlit cigarette from his lips, tossed it on his lap, and pulled the old, smashed IPhone4 out of his pocket and checked his home screen for who had messaged him. His mother. With a small sigh he opened the message.

Did you want me to pick you up after school or are you alright to catch the school bus? No public buses... Xx

He wanted so desperately for her to pick him up. Being in classes with strangers was bad enough, having to catch a bus with those strangers, plus their friends would be a nightmare. An even worse scenario would be his mother's reaction to smelling the smoke still lingering on him. That would be more than just a nightmare considering the reason they moved to this beach town, an hour outside of the Melbourne city, was because Tom had damaged all his relationships over in Sydney. Family. Friends. Tom had pushed everyone away who wanted to help. Until he no longer had anyone.

I guess drugs do ruin your life, he thought miserably. Maybe if my life wasn't so carless, I'd care more.

He tucked a piece of his shoulder length dirty blonde hair behind his ear and looked down at the unlit cigarette in his lap. "Well it's not like she's going to be smelling any smoke anyway," Tom mumbled under his breath rolling his eyes in annoyance as he typed his reply.

Can you pick me up?

Waiting for a reply, he began to fear that his mother had changed her mind and wanted him to catch the bus in hope her son would make some new friends. He looked down at his phone and messaged her again, adding to his previous text; xx.

Almost instantly, Tom's phone vibrated again.

See you after school xx

Tom smiled at how much he loved his mother. His grey eyes that matched hers looked again at his lap and his smile faded. He picked up the cigarette and held it up between his thumb and pointer finger in front of his face and then, more to himself than the cigarette, he spoke;

"Fuck you."


Devon's eyes drifted out the window along with her thoughts, not thinking about anything in particular, much rather, not thinking at all. She did this often. With her mother in hospital with a brain disease, and her step father taking up alcoholism because of it, she preferred it this way, just drifting along mindlessly not worrying about anything.

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