Sir Nighteye

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 Authors Note

I'm going to be completely honest... I have been writing so much today that this chapter is even being made on Thursday at 12:48 Am so I hope you all enjoy this, I have tons of energy and can't fall asleep so please give me feedback! Now onto the Denseness!

Midoriya Pov

I woke up like normal heading to class before everyone else as to not get hung or quartered by the guys and the girls. "What am I going to do... I 'm going to be stuck in class with them... Even if they ask what happened it's nothing bad, should be fine... Right?" 'Oh they're coming...' I could hear several people talking as they came' As I looked out the window I heard several people refer to me as I tried to ignore it for as long as I possibly could... That ended when Kachan came up and blew up the top of the  desk. "Oi Shitnerd, what did you do with that Senior yesterday!" "DIRECT!" I looked around as everyone crowded, even Aizawa who usually didn't give a crap about this kind of stuff. 'Should I just say we ran and I found she had a fever and helped her? Yeah...' "Well you see, when we finished running, I touched her forehead cause I noticed she looked red, and found she had a fever. So I took care of her and made her my moms special soup, after she woke up and ate I came back and hid in my room so none of you would disturb me."

I saw the girls seething with Anger and the guy's backing up. "Your screwed Midoriya!" I was about to stand when Aizawa spoke up. "Hurt him and I'll tell him absolutely everything." I saw their anger die down as it was replaced by fear. 'What's so bad that they won't tell me... It definitely isn't love, I'm not worth anything... So what could it be?' "Aizawa why won't anyone tell me? It's not like they love me or anything that just wouldn't make sense." "DENSE!!" I looked around shocked as Aizawa face palmed. "Midoriya, you might not be able to save after all..." "Huh?" 'To be saved? Am I dying? Expelled?' "Anyways that doesn't matter right now all of ou need to find connections with someone to internship with, If you didn't have anyone but joined someone it will be a similar scheme for you, otherwise everyone else who got requests should start looking we'll start in 2 days... That's it now go back to the dorms... Midoriya..." 

"Yes!?!" "Don't cause more problems with your denseness..." 'Dense.... What part of me is dense... How am I acting Dense...' "O-Okay..." I stood up and left the room hoping to get some food from the cafeteria before heading to the dorms. 'Dense...' I was about to go into the cafeteria when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "M-Midoriya!" I turned and saw Nejire. 'She's everywhere!' "Yeah?" I was paying attention and noticed how her body language changed, she was now twirling her curvy hair in her finger while looking at the ground. "W-Well I was wondering if you were looking for food..." 'Cute...' "Y-Yeah I was that's why I came here." I tried to smile in order to make it seem less awkward... It didn't work. 'Why do I always tense up whenever I'm with Nejire?' "W-Well then... I was wondering... I-If it would be okay for me to repay you for the food last night by me making you some of my own food..." I looked at her and smiled. 'So that's why she was so nervous.'

"Yeah I would love that!" "Really!?!" "Yup!" I smiled as she seemed to gain confidence in herself. "Okay! come by the dorms in 10 Minutes! I'll start cooking and make sure that no ones using the common room!" I nodded as she ran off, or more like flew as she started to use her Surge Quirk. 'It's one thing after another... I don't even know what to think about this whole Big 4 Situation, or anything that has happened, or made me "Dense," Might as well go change before heading over there...' I was walking out when I noticed I was being followed by someone. 'No body only clothes... Hagakure. Wonder what they're trying this time...' "Do You Need Something Hagakure?" I heard a yelp from behind me. 'So I assumed right, they're planning something.' "U-Uhm...Crap!" I saw her try to run away as I activated One For All and stood in front of her.

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