1K Special (Hot Springs! P1)

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Authors Note

I know you all will want more out of this so I'm going to make this 2 parts make it suspenseful and try and make this first chapter shorter so that I can get two updates for this book out including this one. So I'm going to get started see you all at the end! (Edit: This is kinda just a trip that the friends go on, this includes the Big Three since they've become a big part of what's to happen! Enjoy)

Midoriya Pov

I didn't know what to think when Kirishima walked into class with all three of the seniors in the Big 4. 'Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki... What are they up to...' "Hey guys! You all are going to want to hear this!" Everyone gathered around Kirishima who had a wild smile on his face. "So...What's up?" Kirishima turned to me as he hardened and his face grew slightly red. (Kill Me!!) "Whoa! What's up bucko? Having dirty thoughts?" I saw him go back to normal and turned to Nejire who herself had a mischievous smile. "You See!! We know how you all have the interships on the same days as us, and since Midoriya is in the same class as you we have decided that it wouldn't be fair to just invite Midoriya but all of you...To A Hot Springs Trip where we'll camp the weekend before the Internships start!!" A huge uproar went out through my class as I tried to back out since I wanted to spend my time exercising and preparing for the internship and finding someone to intern with. "Oh No You Don't!" I felt a hand on my collar as I broke into a sprint. "NO HOT SPRINGS FOR ME!!" I kept running as a memory came back of a trip back in grade school where we went to a Hot spring with Kachan and everyone else.

**Flash Back**

"Hey Bakugou you ready for the Hot spring today!" I looked up from my hero journal listening into Kachan's conversation for the Field Trip we were having that day. "Yeah I'm Ready! I can't wait to try and use my Quirk in water see if the heat from the spring makes it that much more powerful!" I continued to listen as we approached our final destination. "Alright class we're here, so make sure that you enjoy the time here..." I looked around excited as I walked into the hot springs looking around as I undressed and got my towel. 'It's so Spacious!' I got into the water enjoying the heat on my body...Until Kachan had come in and decided to embarrass me more than ever. "Oi! Deku!" I looked at him and started to back off I saw him sweating a lot. 'This isn't going to end well....' I tried to back up until I hit a wall where he punched his hand causing an explosion

Unfortunately because of the heat the Explosion was larger than normal, so that means that thanks to Kachan being so close he launched me through the wall into the other area where the girls were washing themselves and enjoying the hot springs. 'No Way...' I ran back to the guy's side as I yelled I'm Sorry as the girls shrieked causing everyone to ignore me from then on only with bullying being the mode of conversation...

**Flash Back End**

I was still running making it to my dorm room when I heard sounds behind me. I turned slightly and saw all of the girls in my class chasing after me alongside Nejire. 'Oh Lord HELP ME!!!' I kept running around until I fell into their trap. "There he is!" I turned to the side and saw Iida racing towards me with his recipro Burst. This caused me to panic and kick him across the face making him go flying. "Sorry!" I kept running as they started cornering me until Aizawa-Sensei showed up and disabled my Quirk. "Why!?!" "Because this'll be interesting!" I looked at him as I paled when I heard the sound of Nejire's shock from behind me. 'Well I'm screwed...' I turned as they hit me making me go flying right into a tree that had Mineta's Pop Off all over it to ensure I don't move. "We got him!" I looked up as my vision started to clear from the hit. 'I'm pretty sure I have a concussion now...' I tried to speak only for me to fall into an unconscious state. "Damn.... Hot... Springs...."

I woke up in Recovery Girl's office restrained to the bed. "What the heck is going on!" I looked around as Aizawa-Sensei and the rest came in. "TRAITOR'S!!" I looked at all of the guy's who turned away, except for Mineta who was crying tears of... Blood? "Well... I guess it's time! It took you too long to finish your nap Midoriya!" I looked over to Nejire and recognized a Bag, from my closet. "Don't tell me!" "Yup! It's the day of and you have all of your clothes packed! Including the underwear!" I stopped struggling and felt myself leaving as I paled at the thought of all the things that could go wrong for me on this trip. "I'm really going to have to live through that shit again!" I sighed as they took off the restrictions while Aizawa looked at me with his Quirk to make sure I didn't escape.

'How much did they pay you?' I looked at him hoping he would catch on. Which he did, He put up one finger than a zero and a zero."1 Hundred!?!" I looked at the girls who all turned away walking towards the bus we were borrowing. 'This has to be the worst day of my life... So far.'


"Whoa! This place is fancy! And Midoriya didn't want to come to this!?!... Where'd he go?" I had gotten off with everyone else but took the opportunity to escape by hiding underneath the bus hoping that no one would find me until I got home. "HE FUCKING TOOK THIS CHANCE TO ESCAPE!! THE SHITNERD! WHEN I FIND HIM!!!" I shivered at the thought of Kachan finding me when I was like this. 'Not looking to die just yet...' I crawled away but of course the Bus moved out of the way just when I got out from underneath revealing me to the others. 'They haven't noticed me!' I started walking away when I heard Kirishima. "THERE HE IS!!!" I started to run only to be stopped by Iida who was using his Recipro Burst again. I tried to dodge him but my Quirk had been disabled. 'Persistent!' in the end I lost and had to stay there otherwise Aizawa would expel me for being bothersome. "Why did I have to be brought here...."

Authors Note

Sorry that this is so short.... next chapter is between 7 and 10 hours from now hopefully it'll be a normal chapter and part 2 yeah it'll be about 3k words, and expect some fanservice just for you guys to enjoy!! Till next Chapter!

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