i told you that i wasn't perfect, you told me the same

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*smut warning*

"Get on the desk."

"W-what?" Y/N's voice trembles slightly as she looks to Camila with a single eyebrow raised.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Y/N. Get on the desk." Y/N gulps nervously but nods her head and moves to climb onto the long desk, choosing not to disobey her girlfriend right now. She sits on the edge, legs dangling off the side as she patiently waits for Camila's next instructions. The Latina sends a sly smirk in her girlfriend's direction before turning around on her heels and walking toward the door.

A whimper escapes Y/N's lips as she watches Camila retreat.

"W-where are you going?" Y/N asks innocently, a frown covering her face slightly. The sound of the lock clicking shut on the door snaps Y/N out of her thoughts as her eyes flicker over to Camila's hand resting on the door handle. Camila doesn't answer, instead, she walks away from the now locked door and towards Y/N's slightly younger figure.

"You've been a very bad girl, Y/N," Camila murmurs, moving in-between her student's legs to speak into her ear. "Very, very bad." Another whimper escapes the younger girl's lips when she feels Camila lick the shell of her ear slowly. "Do you know what happens to bad girls, Y/N?" Camila asks, moving away from Y/N's ear to now look her dead in the eyes.

Y/N shakes her head fast from side to side, eyes widened slightly at the pure look of possessiveness in her girlfriend's dark brown, almost black eyes.

"Use your words, Y/N," Camila growls, bring her right hand down hard on Y/N's thigh and ensuring a loud smacking sound to ring through the room.

"N-no, Camila."

"No, what?" The teacher persists, moving closer to Y/N so that their cores are dangerously close to one another through their clothing.

"No, I don't know what happens to bad girls," Y/N replies hesitantly, her voice dripping with fear but also lust. Camila moves so close to Y/N now that they are flush against one another, no more room between them left. The Cuban girl leans down, placing her lips on Y/N's ear and darting her tongue out for a second to give it a quick lick before retreating it back into her mouth.

"They get punished," Camila whispers after a beat of silence. Her voice drips with hunger, with thirst.

Camila suddenly moves back, breaking the connection entirely between her and Y/N, and examines her girlfriend's whole body.

"Stand up." Y/N immediately complies, knowing by now not to challenge her girlfriend's orders. "Take off your clothes, but keep your panties on. Then turn around."

Y/N is hesitant for a moment, she knows she shouldn't disobey Camila, but they've also never done something like this here.

"Did I stutter, Y/N?" Obviously, Y/N took a moment too long to respond to Camila's orders.

"No, Camila," Y/N mumbles, reaching behind her to around her shoulder to pull off the large plaid shirt hanging off her small frame before dropping the material to the ground beside her. Camila watches every move with lust filled eyes, her mouth pulled up into a small smirk.

 Camila watches every move with lust filled eyes, her mouth pulled up into a small smirk

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