of Storm and Haunting Whispers

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On that day, a snowstorm was furiously lashing all over the city. Strong winds were whipping harshly with unmatched velocity, blasting every surface without mercy. Most inhabitants were taking refuge behind thick walls, avoiding danger that came along with the ugly weather. There were occasionally vehicles driving around the road, going with extra care in hope of arriving safe and sound. Swirling ashen clouds were like a picture depicting how vehemently angry the god of sky was, kicking over such profound amount of endless and violent stream of snows. It had been an hour since the hurricane took over, and there was no sign of ceasing as of yet.

But Sasuke paid no heed to it.

That one grown up male was like a crazy driver in rebellion with the nature in the middle of throwing tantrums, challenging the typhoon to dare him to stop. Many things had tried to deter him going forward, too many minutes had gone away along the abnormally lasting trip. He had been twice neglecting the red light, taking sharp turns many times, almost bumping to umpteenth vehicles on the roads, close to crash his own car right onto a delivery truck once, and the tires clashing the road with dangerous angles uncountable times.

Sasuke's head was spinning hard, relentless pain hammering his skull. His eyes were seeing blurry view due to the velocity of the car and the snows slapping the car's front glass with unyielding force. His pale skin was clothed by freezing air caused by the slipping winds getting through all possible gaps, and the fact that his current outfit was never recommended in such season gave the more torment instead. His limbs were shivering uncontrollably, barely functioning only because of his strong will on reaching one destination in mind. His lips couldn't stop quivering, letting out his voice barely above whispers, muttering only a single chant over and over—or a single name to be precise.

"Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto—"





The screeching sound of tires rubbing the asphalt was splitting the air and slicing through the storm, leaving some dark marks on the road. Sasuke was close to advancing his car straight onto a sedan from the opposite direction. The two cars had thrown their steering wheels milisecond away before they might eventually crashed, and albeit successfully avoiding the death, it was highly likely that the two left some ugly scratches on the body of their cars which had been dangerously kissing beforehand.

Due to the wild throw, Sasuke's car had been spinning uncontrollably, before he pushed on the brake, resulting a sudden force and a momentum that threw his body forward. His head fell onto the steering wheel with a solid impact, making the painful throbbing amplified by four times worse than before. Headache, pain and white heat overclouded his head, losing the battle to get his senses back for a while. His breathing was ragged, his chest felt suffocated, his sight went bleak. There was a stream of blood flowing down the side of his face, but Sasuke had no way of knowing.

By the time he regained his senses, albeit mild still, he forced himself to move, helping himself to get to someone filling his mind as quick as possible. Fear crept inside, and his thought was all over the place, haunted by regret.

'Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto...'




(See? It's all because of you, Sasuke. Now you regret it, don't you?)




'Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto—'

His car was moving in such an illegally high speed, carrying him to his destination with the fastest record in Konoha. He just arrived at the Konoha Hospital.




(You come to see your regret.)




Sasuke jumped off his car, not caring the way he just parked recklessly. He sprinted through the snows and winds, running down the corridor only to find a certain man. He kept on running, even though his legs were chilled to the bones and his muscles were screaming in exhaustion.

'Naruto, Naruto, Naruto—'




Not so far from his current track, at the intersection of the corridor, he caught sight of people pushing a bed, someone laying above it with a white fabric covering their entire body. Sasuke shuddered violently, but he didn't stop nonetheless. As soon as he was beside the bed, Sasuke moved his shaking limb—either because of the immense cold or the gnawing fear, he didn't know—to unveil the thin layer from whomever stiffly resided beneath.

'Please, just this time. Please, forbid me from seeing him.'




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