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sarang ruffled her hair, eyes darted to the mathematic textbook as she tried to figure out how to do ratios.

it was ridiculous but she couldn't find to understand how to do it, it was pretty simple for her other classmates, but for her, it was just plain hard.

she slumped on her seat, clicked her tongue as the blue pen warped around her fingers while the top tapped on the table.

she was in the public library, just around her and jeongguk's neighbourhood. her earphones plugged in, with her ballad playlist on shuffle, music coming out of the earphone's speaker.

she tried her best to give her all to the textbook, but nothing seems to be working. the atmosphere of the library was rather uncomfortable; well for her.

there's one solution that's preventing her from concentrating, one: it was none other than jeon jeongguk. she couldn't help but admit that jungkook has been running around her mind lately.

she shook her head at the thoughts, thinking that studying alone was probably the worst idea that had ever crossed her mind.

she closed her textbook, taking out her laptop as she proceed to typed in the school's blog; just to find out juicy information.

she clicked on the button which was labelled 'hottest news', the news loaded as her eyes scanned every word.

her lips turned into a straight line, a pang was heard deep down inside of her. the news was about 'rumours of the new transferred student is dating the heartthrob jeon jeongguk'

she didn't know why she felt like this, she doesn't have the rights, right? she felt herself shifting on her seat uncomfortably, her eyes welling up with tears. she lifted her head up, blinking the tears away as she turned off her laptop.

she quickly packed her belongings, walking out of the deadly quiet library. walking on the sidelines, people chattering fill the air while the autumn breeze brush her hair.

she couldn't smile, all she knew is she felt betrayed. even if the news was just a rumours, she couldn't help but feel as if it was true.

she arrived back home, walking to her room immediately once she step foot on the white tiled floor, ignoring the presence of her cousin at the living room who's calling for her.

she plopped on her bed, stuffing her face onto the pillow. she didn't know why she was like this, maybe she had really fell in love with him.

her phone vibrated, she lifted her face from her pillow, grabbing her phone. she stare at the lockscreen of her phone which had the notification popped out.

hello, are you free?

i guess you aren't.

why aren't you replying? are you busy?

i guess you are busy, i'll go now. bye :)
seen 3:45pm

her bedroom door creaked open, a familiar figure stepped in her room. "you okay?" it was her cousin, yoongi.

"nah," she said, staring at the ceiling like it was entertaining.

"jeongguk texted saying you didn't reply to his texts," he said, the girl hummed, making the older sighed.

"what's going on?" he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. eyes on his depressed-looking cousin.

"watch the school's website," she answered boldly, yoongi shifted his seat to her desk, taking out her laptop as he typed in the school's website, his eyes scanned through the words.

a smirk appeared on his face, getting the call on why she's acting like this.

"ahh, you're jealous?" yoongi asked, his voice laced with teasing. sarang shifted on her bed, not knowing what to answer.

"i don't know," she sighed,

"it's just a rumour,"

sarang's mind was full of thoughts, she's having mix emotions. she don't even know if she's jealous, mad or sad. she ruffle her hair, sitting on her bed as she sigh again.

"you're right, it's just a rumour," she said, even though half of her trust the rumour, maybe just a little.

messed up, i know.

sOoo i cheated on the test !! the teachers were walking around so i had to freaking be careful. but i did it and i'm finally school free!!!

jenokook your turn, good luck surviving hell- i mean school wink wonk ;)

anyways hope y'all like this chap ! ❤️

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