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sarang and jungkook grew apart more and more as days passed. yoongi and jina were both worried for sarang; especially because she wasn't eating as much as her daily basis.

sarang looked more skinny, dead. just like jungkook. samantha seems to be always clinging on him, but only resulting him to put on a weak smile.

"eat up," jina said, sarang shook her head, pushing the lunchbox towards her friend. jina's lips formed a frown, seeing how her best friend act like this breaks her.

"is it because of jungkook?" she guessed, sarang nodded. "why did you stop being friends with him?" jina asked out of curiosity.

"i don't want to be involved with him, especially if there's samantha. she wouldn't hesitate to hurt me or jungkook," sarang said, jina looked at her with pity.

"it doesn't matter now, what matters is you eating," she said, pushing sarang's lunchbox back to her. sarang stare at the lunchbox which was filled with various of food.

she let out a sigh, grabbing her eating utensils and ate a spoon of rice along with some chicken. jina smiled and ate her food.

the day went by normally; besides sarang being emotionally unstable. jina sighed, updating sarang's cousin with her state while yoongi tried to help her recover.

sarang excuse herself to the bathroom in the middle of the class, usually teachers will not allowed it, but seeing her pale face, she nodded.

she walked along the empty halls, loud chattering from each classes could be heard. she went in the toilet, entering one of the cubicles as she did her stuff.

she slipped up her skirt and walked out of the cubicle, she lowered her hand under the tap of the sink, letting the water wash her hands.

one of the cubicles' door opened, revealing samantha with a smirk on her face. sarang ignored her, walking away but failed as samantha held on her back collar.

"not so fast," samantha said, adding a tsk to her sentence, sarang groaned mentally, facing her with nothing but a blank face.

"how are you coping?" samantha asked, twirling her strand of hair with her index finger.

"fine," sarang said, manage to pull up a smile.

"huh, i don't think so," samantha rolled her eyes. sarang raised her eyebrows, confusion washed over her face as she stared at samantha.

"jungkook has been depressed lately, he hasn't shown me much attention and he was, how do we say this. skinny, too skinny," samantha started, staring at her fake manicured nails.

"so? it's not my fault. he's your boyfriend, so he is your property," sarang said, rolling her eyes.

"don't play dumb, we all know you and him have something going on," she said, her voice was slightly pitched. sarang stood there confused, not knowing the situation.

without warning, samantha threw a punch towards sarang's stomach. she groaned, tumbling backwards as her free hand supported her by holding the sink.

she slapped her on the right cheek, and did the same on the other cheek. red crimson forming on her cheeks; not blushing, but bruising.

"this is only the beginning," samantha whispered into her ears, hatred laced on her tone. she left the bathroom, leaving sarang hurting.

her head started to ache, along with her bruised stomach. her mind was spinning, finding it hard to walk. slowly she sat on the ground, collapsing as her vision became black. a faint voice called her was heard before she was completely blacked out.

bish yas, guess who ;)))

actl i forgot who i wrote anyways so pfft.


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