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let's stop being friends

sarang's pov

i woke up with my eyes blood shot red, yes i cried to sleep, that just showed how pathetic i am.

i took a hot shower, warping myself with a towel as i brush my teeth. i changed into my uniform, pinning on my name tag.

i slipped on my shoes and sling my bag over my shoulder, "let's go?" yoongi asked, resulting me to nod as a response.

we arrived at the school together, students were shocked to see me with him. well it's my first time walking to school with my relatives. i ignored their stares as i bid goodbye to yoongi.

i placed my stuff into my locker, quickly walking away before anyone could annoy me— specifically two person.

i walked inside class, i sat at my usual seat and greeted jina. "hello," i said, giving her a small smile as i placed my school equipment into my drawer.

"yah, why is your eye red?" she asked, worried lacing her words. why does she sound like yoongi.

"it's nothing,"

her looks said it all; she didn't seem to buy it. "let me guess. jeongguk?" she said, raising her eyebrow.

i hung my head low, slowly nodding as a sigh escaped her lips. "it's okay, trust me. i bet it's all planned," she said, patting my back as i bit my lip, holding back my tears.

"i'm pathetic," i cracked a laugh, blinking my tears away as i smiled weakly at her.

"aigo," she said, shaking her head and pulled into her embrace.

a lot were staring at us, seeing how open i am to someone isn't something you'd see everyday. "shh," she hushed me, i didn't say anything, but hugged her back.

the bell rang, making us to released the hug. "be strong," she said, raising her fist as i chuckled and did the same.

class went by smoothly, homework assignment stacking up one by one. recess went by the same, me and jina ate lunch together. jeongguk and his friends were nowhere to be seen. especially samantha.

"okay class, please pick a partner for your history project," our history teacher said, i eyed jina, she get the signalled.

"mrs, i'm partnering with jina!" i said, raising up my hand.

she nodded, writing down the names on a piece of paper and passed out our assignment. "please hand it next week," our teacher announced.

well, that was the last period. i waved goodbye to jina, slinging my bag over my shoulder as i made my way to the school's gate.

"sarang!" a voice called, i turn to the owner of the voice. jeongguk ran towards me, panting as he catch his breath. "wait," he said, his hands on my shoulder.


"why are you ignoring me?" he asked, eyes piercing right through my eyes. my heart was beating rapidly, just by seeing his presence.

"i wasn't," i whispered, his brown eyes were mesmerising; i can get lost in his eyes.

"why aren't you talking to me then?" he asked, his face expression was serious; too serious for my liking.

"you have a girlfriend," i said, breaking the eye contact as i hung my head low.

"that doesn't mean—"

i shook my head, "it doesn't work like that," i said, he looked at me confusingly.

"let's stop being friends," i said, my voice cracked. tears were welling up, resulting me to have glassy vision.

"no, you're joking right?" he said, voice laced with desperation. his hands grip on my shoulder, asking me one more time to make sure.

"i'm sorry," i said, my voice barely audible. i shook his hands off my shoulder, turning my heel and ran to the gate where me and yoongi planned on waiting.

i'm sorry jeongguk, it's for the best.

idk what i wrote pfft

might edit it again

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