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This is my first chapter!!! Hope you guys all like it!!!

Please comment after, vote, and all that bananas!!!

Tehe I like bananas.

Oh and I wanted to dedicate this to Rosie (AKA xDrkFallenAngelx) because she loves nerds!!!!!

KK so enjoy! :D

~Sophie <3


The living room: the place where my brother called my mom asking to play XBOX and where his headset was.

The coffee table: where he set the phone down just before screaming at the top of his lungs that my mother was a fucking bitch.

The computer: where I was sitting. I was on wattpad reading 'The Princess Games'.

My iPod: The thing I turned on after overhearing my brother. I scrolled to the page that has Voice Memos on it and clicked RECORD.

My shoulders: what Ben grabbed, threatening me, "WHERE IS MY TRITON HEAD SET!!! I know you know where it is, Sophie!! You have ten minitues to get them back to me. STARTING NOW" He points at the clock on the computer. It's 4:03.

His face: Covered in disgust, hatred, and rage, it is What I look at when I tell him I don't know where his headset is. But I know he'll never believe me.

I scramble up and look desperatly to see if my mother hid them in my room. With my iPod in my hand, I make a death note into the voice recorder. Just above a whisper, i say "Mom, if you're listening, ben is threatening me right now to find the headset. I don't know where it is, but if I don't find it... I don't know what will happen to me. But I just wanted to say I love you. I love you mom, I love you dad, I um.. okay fine love you too Jack, and tell Nelson, Bailey, Cookie, Buddy & Shiloh that I love them, even if Shiloh doesn't make it, like if he dies because I don't ever feed him, I still love him. But I have to go I only have 8 minutes left to find the headset. So I love you all."

The couch: what I sit on defiantly, telling Ben repeatedly that I don't know where it is. Still, he does not believe me. "YOUR WASTING TIME!!!" he screams. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DAMN HEADSET!!! YOU HAVE SEVEN MINUTES LEFT SOPHIE!!! And you know where it is." He then snatches my iPod out of my hand, which I click off at the last second so it is locked. He turns it on and sees the voice memo picture.

"OHHHHHH!!!" he breathes out with a mischevious glare in his eye. "Unlock the iPod. Now." I replied with a simple "no." and he took my iPod and left the room. Stuffing it someplace where the iPod couldn't pick up my screams from his torture.

He then returned to the couch and started shoving my head into a pillow and holding it down with his knee. He then twisted my arm and screamed "WHAT IS THE PASSCODE TO YOUR IPOD!!??" I screamed in pain, and shouted as loud as I can, hoping that the iPod could pick up my voice. "He's hurting me right now!!! He's trying to sufac---" Ben placed his hand over my mouth, picked me up and carried me to my room, where he slams me down on my bed.

He wraps his hands around my neck and I squeak one last word...



So that was my first chappy!!!

Hope you liked it!!!

Comment\, Vote, Like, etc!!!

And I promise I will upload soon!!!

~Sophie <3

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