Chapter 10

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Aaron blinked slowly, groaning from the stiffness in his shoulder.

"Monsieur Burr!"

Aaron's eyes flickered open and he turned his head slightly, moaning when his neck screamed in protest.

"La... Lafayette...?" He slurred, vision blurry and only just barely making out the shape of the candelabra.

"Oh mon Dieu!" Lafayette fretted. "J'était si inquiet!"

"English Laf." Peggy giggled.

"I'm thankful you are alright Monsieur Burr." Lafayette said, smiling. Aaron smiled back weakly.

"Is Alexander alright...?" He asked coughing lightly.

"You shouldn't speak."

Aaron's head turned. "Alexander." He breathed. "I apologize."

Aaron began to sit up, still quite weak. "I didn't mean for you to be-" Aaron coughed harshly.

"It's fine Mr Burr." Alexander interrupted. "You're ill. You should rest."

Aaron distantly remembered Alexander not allowing his sister to rest when she was sick. He then wondered when he'd begun to think of him as Alexander.

Aaron decided that he didn't care and drifted off.


Aaron woke to the feeling of a cool cloth being gently placed against his skin.

"Wha...?" He murmured.

"Quiet Monsieur Burr."

Aaron slowly opened his eyes, startled to see the large face of Alexander,

His mouth felt dry as he stared at the beast, only to realize that he wasn't the one wiping his brow gently with a cloth, it was in fact the joint effort of Washington and Lafayette.

"Glad to see you are awake Mr Burr." Alexander said smiling, revealing razor sharp teeth.

"Call me Aaron." Aaron said, smiling gently. Alexander's eyes widened and he looked away sheepishly.

"Mr Burr," Washington interrupted. "Can you drink this?"

Aaron glanced at the water Lafayette held between his candle sticks. "Yes. Thank you."

He took the water with shaking hands and took a couple of sips.

"Not too many." Alexander instructed quietly. Aaron smiled.

"Yes, thank you." He set the water down, letting out a small breath and relaxing into the surprisingly soft surface he was on. It was only then that he realized he was no longer in the front foyer.


"You're in your room." Alexander said.

"Alexandre thought you would be far more comfortable here." Lafayette explained.

Aaron blinked. "Really?" He said, looking to Alexander. He was shocked and mildly amused to see a tinge of red hidden behind his hair.

"Well I thank you." He said, smiling gently. He reached a hand out and grasped Alexander's clawed one. He laughed weakly at the shocked and embarrassed expression on his face.

"Monsieur Burr, it appears you only have a common cold." Lafayette said, taking the water from him. "You should be fine with a few days of rest."

Aaron nodded, settling into the warm blankets and sighing happily. He glanced over at Alexander. "Is your arm alright?" He asked softly.

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