An over sized shirt slipped down Hannah's upper body and over her chest, system booting inside, and fell by her skeleton's hip. It stretched to contain the anticipation, the fear and intrigue of how the day would unfold and the secrets of the hands they would be plied from.
Han Barber coming soon, then you can tell me what you were going to say the other day if you want, I asked you to text me but you didn't?? Put the kettle on plz, need a drink x
And she was ready for it, her eyes grew duller in the presence of day after a night of worry, what was Blake keeping from her, and why was Elliot so concerned about it? The bathroom floor warmed beneath her feet as she reached for her toothbrush and placed it under the water stream, I wonder if she'll actually tell me today. The girl in the mirror stared back curiously, but it was plain to see she wondered too, that's if she'll tell me at all... She stayed a while alone with the girl, is it really that Blake cant tell me? Set the brush aside, or that Elliot won't let her..? And left.
Hannah's phone lay by her bedside, brighter lit than the grey, winter morning skies. It caught her eye and drew her near, surprising her as there had been little threat of a message after days of nothing. Elliot?
Elliot Hatchet Don't freak out but Blake is in hospital, she just had an accident no need to come out. Just letting you know so you don't get to our house and see she's not there
Han Barber What?! Is she ok, what happened??
Elliot Hatchet I don't really know.. It happened quite fast, it's not that bad its just glass, don't come out.
Han Barber Glass?! Why do you want me to stay away so badly? is this to do with the other day? Tell me what happened!
Elliot Hatchet No she just..
Elliot Hatchet Isn't making sense at the moment, saying things happened that didn't. Don't listen to her if she tries to tell you what happened, she's lying. Don't come here, stay at home because everything is fine.
Han Barber I'm coming, since you won't tell me, bye.
Oh my God. She knew this couldn't have been an accident, there was no way. As if this could happen at the same time they're keeping secrets... Glass? ! Did someone cut her, did she cut herself..? Stabbed?! Her heart tumbled through her rib cage and into her stomach, she felt sick as the blood drained from her veins and into her thoughts. Hannah's palm stung as she clenched her hand around the keys while its jagged teeth sunk into her, her other hand grasping for the door. She couldn't help panting, Blake wasn't careless, at least not before this week, there was no way this could have happened by her own accord. The wind breathed into the house as if to mock Hannah's own, and choked as the door slammed shut behind.
Adrenaline and fear ran through her fingertips, flowing further under Blake's doormat to snatch the spare key that would let Hannah inside. The door swung open to show her the truth, Elliot was right, she wasn't there. Elliot wasn't there either. But the glass was. The carpet was stained with green glass, and littered with the stench of alcohol. Hannah clamped her hand around her mouth to hold the words inside and the thoughts inside her head, is this why he didn't want tell me what happened..? Did Elliot...
The clouds outside were moving, and lightening refracted off the glass beside her feet and in her eyes- she knew she shouldn't stay here long. Her eyes scanned the room for remnants of what could have happened, leading her eyes through the corridor and the open kitchen door where the window sat. It beckoned her to come inside, something beyond it drawing her in, calling. Her eyes squinted- what's that..? It almost looks like...No, I have to go and see Blake.
The storm was hovering, building in the sky above them to stare down into their faces, following Hannah as her frail legs carried her inside and through the first floor. It stared inside her, and built there as it could.
"Hannah? I said don't-" She shoved past him and made her way towards the bed where Blake lay weak and small. She shivered at the sight of Hannah, unfitting of her usual personality so strong and proud.
"Blake! What happened? Are you alright?" She couldn't bare to see Blake so weak, crimson stained arms resting beside her pale body. Drained body, drained arms
And drained face dropped "He...He broke the window...I tried to tell you, I saw hi-"
"The window..? The glass that hurt you is from the window? Blake, you can tell me anything, you know.. what really happened"
"He tried to drag me through and into the forest but, b-but Elliot! Elliot-"
"ENOUGH" Elliot abruptly intervened, he grasped his talons around Hannah's arm, firmly and deliberate to escort her into the hallway, despite her violent objection. He told her in a rough and gravelly tone that she had to be civilized in a place like this, to calm down despite the hypocrisy between his words and actions. He leaned in closely and held tight to constrain her, keep her separate from Blake. Her face reddened but her tone remained cool and sharp,
"I saw the bottle smashed on the floor, Elliot...What did you do to her?" His fingers tightened around her bones, teeth gritted, face tensed, volume raised.
"It's not like that Han!" he loosened "Look, I found her in the woods after she'd been sleep walking, you know I've told her to lock her door, but she got out, crazy ideas that someone had...had... I'd brought her back inside okay, but it wasn't that long before I heard the window smash, so I smashed my bottle so I'd have something to defend us with then walk in to see her trying to climb out all cut up... Call an ambulance and just fast forward we're here. Is that good enough for you?"
She lowered her head and thought, blushing with embarrassment of her accusations and with the confusion that Blake would do that.
"Ok...I, I'm sorry alright? it's not personal it's just.. Just Blake"
Another black cloud rolled past the window once again, the storm swelling almost out of the abyss and into her thundering eyes. Blake turned her head and stared- storms could be so beautiful, the wind delicately humming as the rain urges to get inside, clouds watching and waiting to make their next move, release all they have down onto its disciples, whether they be willing to comply or otherwise. How humbling it was to lay calm and quiet beneath a monster, powerless to it's intentions no matter the efforts between your ears and breathing lungs. And yet, she could bare witness to it all from here- right where she lay. Something else passed the window, something a deeper black.
Blake screamed in her weak, damaged little voice, and was silenced, swept away by the sweet and calming storm.
HorrorA 19 year old girl disappears from her hospital bed following 2 attempted kidnappings by a man with much younger taste and twisted sexual fantasies - somewhat of a prodigy in spawning creative means of torture to try and induce age regression in her...