The Plan

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I entered the bar and headed towards my usual table. I sat down and ordered a cup. All the country men were there.

"I heard Tom Robinson's moving to the county's jail.", said a men. 

"Don't you fret he'll be put to the chair anyway.", said another.

"But y'all know Atticus don't ya, he a mighty strong lawyer, he knows the law as well as the palm of his hand." I said. They all nodded and swallowed their mugs.

"Even though Atticus is the best lawyer in town, we all know what the verdict Ill'be.", said the sweaty crippled bartender. 

"He ain't got no chance, he's a disgrace to negro race." mumbled a tall man.

"That disgusting peace of lettuce he should'a been in that chair long ago." said a drunken man. The tension in the bar was rising, the men were getting louder and many were storming out of the bar. Soon only eight men were in the bar, I was one of them.

"If the law ain't gonna take care of this then someone should" said the tall man. They all muttered and agreed. 

"Yeah and we better make it happen" said a farmer.  At this point the whole bar was vibrating for the voices were all shouting in agreement. 

"We'd better do it soon because he'll be sent to court in a few days." said the bartender whose face was dripping wet from sweat. The energy these men were producing was so strong it was hot in the room. It seemed to me the bar would explode; the inside was like a pressure cooker.

"How about tonight" I shut my mouth and wished to die when I heard these words sliding out of my mouth. I'm for sure not a negro-lover like Atticus but i'm a father and I have a life outside of this bar. I knew that once something is said in this bar, you are vowed to do it. 

''Yeah, great idea! Who can come tonight ?'' Said the farmer with a content air. 

''We can't gotta go fishin''' Said a man pointing towards him then towards another man to whom he resembled very much. The two men who seemed to be int their early forties departed from the bar.

''I can but I don't feel like bothering this man, he'll be put to the chair anyway. Isn't that better than you not succeeding, getting caught than losing everything? C'mon gentelmen, the sheriff will be guarding the prison anyway. Think about you and your future.'' The young man departed, hesitated then lifted his hat and left. Behind him a few more men silently followed him as if they could not be heard. The bar seemed to have calmed down and the men's energy rapidly turned into pure adrenaline for tonight. 

''Well gentlemen, any other objections? Great, Mr. Cunningham what do you propose? How should we proceed with this case?'' Said the bartender insinuating me to give out my proposition.

''Well, we are just eight right? We should all go tonight, armed and cautious. We should arrive and depart from a car, it is more secure. As for getting rid of the sheriff, anyone has an idea?'' I hesitantly proposed.

''I know, we should distract him! We call him in to a false emergency and there you have it gentlemen as easy as that!'' Excitingly said the farmer.

The night would be long and perilous but Tom Robinson will be achieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2017 ⏰

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