Part 2

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Later that day

Raindow dash arrived rather early at the obstacle course. She wanted to warm up before Spirfire arrived. She started with some push ups then did a few wing ups. A couple of crunches and ended with some stretches. When she did her last strech Spitfire arrived.

"Getting ready for an asskicking I see." Spitfire said while grinning. "I'm not getting my ass kicked today. And last time I would have won if I didn't get distracted." Rainbow dash answered a little annoyed.

"May I asked what caused such huge distraction that you completely lost focus and caused me to win the race." Spitfire asked now amused with a glimmer in her eyes. " uh uh know what nevermind. Today I am so going to win you Spitfire." Rainbow dash knew that when she was in private with Spitfire she could call her by her first name while in public she had to fulfill her role as student. Spitfire took a liking to Rainbow dash when she did a sonic rainboom at the best young flyer competition. She actually saved her life that day. She was trying to save a pony named Rarity who she later came to know as one of Rainbow dashes best friends. Rarity kicked her in  the head*and she lost consciousness. Rainbow dash rushed to save her friend and ended up saving all of the wonderbolts that day.

When Rainbow dash started attending the academy and she got to know her better. She actually started to like the other pony. She knew Rainbow dash could be very arrogant and proud sometimes. But she knew that Rainbow dash was very loyal when it came to her friends. That is what actually made Spitfire like Rainbow dash more.

Standing there watching Rainbow dash stretch minutes before Rainbow dash finished. She admired the other pony at how determined she was. She also noticed how fit Rainbow dash was, how her muscles flexed under her fitted wonderbolt flying suit. She blushed a little when she caught herself starring at Rainbow dash. She walked up to her before Rainbow dash noticed her starring at her.

"Are you ready to get your ass kicked Rainbow dash? I'll be waiting for you at the starting line." Spitfire challenged. "I'm ready but not to get my ass kicked. I'm ready to beat yours." Rainbow said while making her way to the starting line. At the starting line Rainbow said. "Wait. The loser has to do something for the winner." Spitfire nodded and said. "State your demands Rainbow because mine are simple." Rainbow dash got curious and asked. "What are your demands then? " If I win, you accompany me to a spa and treath me to a nice dinner." Spitfire grinned with a glint of mischieve in her eyes. She knew that Rainbow hated spa's and dinners. When Rainbow heard these demands her eyes grew wide. She hated spa's and formal dinners. So if she lost she had to do those things. "There is no way I'm losing this race." Rainbow dash thought. "When I win you have to spend more time training me." Rainbow said matter of factly. "Deal. Now get on your markes,get set..Go..". Rainbow dash was off like an arrow shot out of a bow. She had a small head start. "I'm so going to win this time." She thought to herself when Spitfire zoofed passed her. " Come on slowpoke." Spitfire yelled. "This can't be happening." Rainbow thought while upping her speed. She gained on Spitfire.

They were now shoulder to shoulder. Zoofing effortlessly through the obstacle course. At some point of the race Spitfire got ahead of Rainbow and Rainbow couldn't stop watching her. "Damn she's hot." Rainbow thought. When she noticed that she got distracted..again..she composed herself and said. "Not this time" and started flying faster. Last obstical.
"I gotta win this race" Rainbow thought. But her thoughts were not enough.

*This scene is from the E16 S1 of MLP "Sonic Rainboom"

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