Part 3

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"Don't look so sad Rainbow dash. Enjoy this nice massage these two young fillies offer." Spitfire said and sighed enjoying the magical hooves of Aloe Blossem a spa pony. Rainbow dash groaned and complained. "I can't believe I lost..again..I was so close to winning." "What made you not win then?" Spitfire asked curiously. Rainbow dash's mind flashed to the moment when she lost focus..again..due to Spitfire's hotness. She blushed and shoved her head in the hole of the bed. "Nevermind" she muttered. "I lost,now enjoy your stupid massage." Spitfire grinned and sagged even more into the soft mattress of the bed.

"So about dinner tonight, where are we going?" Rainbow asked. " Well, since you lost Rainbow dash, I will let you decide where we can eat." Spifire answered with a smile. "Me??!! You will let me decide?!" Rainbow dash was in shock. She thought they where going to some fancy Rarity type restaurant, eat and get it over with. And that Spitfire was burdened with the making of that decision. Rainbow dash internally sighed and sagged into bed again.

"Now relax, muscles to tight" Lotus Blossom, the spa pony working on Rainbow said. Rainbow tried so hard to relax but all she could think of was dinner with Spitfire. Where she should treath her to dinner. What would Spitfire like to eat.

Rainbow dash had an idea. She would ask Rarity for help after her "spa day".

Later that day
Rainbow dash knocked on the door of Rarities place.
She heard Rarity answering in a sing song voice. "Just a second." The door opened. Before Rarity could say anything Rainbow blurted out. "I need your help."
"Ooh Rainbow dash darling, what is it I can help you with." Rarity answered. "I challenged Spitfire and then I lost and now she wants me to take her on a date. " Rarity looked shocked. "A Date with Spitfire? Am I missing something darling?" Now it was Rainbow's time to be shocked. "I meant dinner, date, ugh dinner!!" She screamed. "So you like Spitfire?" Rarity asked confused. "No, Yes, I mean I don't know!!" Rainbow held her head in frustration.

"Now now calm down darling, no need to get our manes all frazzled up. Just tell me everything and then I will see what I can do to help you." Rarity told Dash in a polite manner. Rainbow Dash sighed and told her the whole story of how she lost the bet and that she may have a crush on Spitfire.

"And that's how I got slammed in the pole the first time." Rainbow blushed while Rarity giggled. "I think you do like her darling and I know how I can help you." Rarity told her.

"Now listen, I will call in a favor from somepony who works at one of the best restaurants  in Canterlot. I will reserve a table for two and set the mood for a candellight dinner. Oh my this is going to be delightfull." Rarity squealed. Rainbow Dash groaned and said "I think Im gonna be sick." While her face turned a weird shade of green. "Come come darling,no need to be dramatic. I will make you a beautiful and ofcourse an "awesome"  dress to wear tonight. Be here at 5pm and don't be late." Rarity told Dash while she pushed her out the door.

Rainbow Dash got in touch with Spitfire. She told her to meet up at Rarities place at 6pm and that she should dress for a fancy dinner. Spitfire just agreed and went home to get ready.

5pm at Rarities place

"Come in come in Rainbow Dash, you need to get ready." Rarity said. Rarity rushed her to the fitting room and pulled out a beautiful skyblue dress with white seams and rainbow colored sparkles worked in to the fabric. It was kind of Simple but beautiful. "Do you like it?" Rarity asked. "I love it, Rarity thank you for helping me. Ugh, now you are making me feel all  sappy and cute." Rarity giggled and said "oh stop it Rainbow dash and hold still."

Rarity managed to help Rainbow Dash get in the dress, do her main and some light makeup. Meanwhile the carriage that Rarity ordered had arrived. " 10 min till 6pm and you're all done darling." Rarity looked so proud.

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Rarity said. She opened the door a few seconds later. "Oh and you must be Spitfire, Rainbow dashes date I presume." Spitfire's eyebrows went up in surprise."Uh date?" Rarity blushed and started stuttering. "I I uh uh, she told me something about a fancy dinner and I just presumed it was a date but My bad." She apologized. "Rainbow Dash, your date is here." Rarity called from the door out. "Rainbow Dash?" Rarity called out again, after she received no answer she invited Spitfire in. "Can you please come and wait a minute darling I will see what's keeping Rainbow Dash so long."

Rarity made her way over to the fitting room where she last left Rainbow dash. "Rainbow Dash darling?" She called out again. Still no answer. She opened the door and saw Rainbow Dash sagged in a position with her hooves around her knees. "Rarity hurried over and asked what's wrong." Wh..wha..what if she doesn't like me like I like her? Im panicking Rarity, help me." Rainbow Dash said with a distraught voice. "Oh no no no darling, get up, you are ruining your dress and ofcourse Spitfire will like you. What's not to like about you. And if she doesn't like you, well then it's.. it's her loss." Rarity said matter of factly. "Now get up and go outside. Spitfire is waiting for you and might I say, she is quite a catch Rainbow dash." Rarity said with a glimmer in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash exited the room and went over to where Spitfire was waiting. When they saw eachother both their eyes went wide. To Spitfire Rainbow Dash looked like an angel and she was beautiful. She never saw her like that before. Okay if you count the day of the Grand galloping Gala* then it's once before. But she wasn't really paying attention that night. Now however she could behold Rainbow dash in all her beauty. All the butterflies she was trying to surpress just came back fiercer then ever. She cleared her throath and blushed. " look nice Rainbow dash." Spitfire said in a very small voice. Rainbow dash blushed. Her face went red like a tomato. "If  I look beautiful then you look exquisite." Rainbow Dash answered back. Spitfire was wearing a fancy jacket and a light blue shirt under it with a small red bowtie. Her mane was in it's usual spikes. To Rainbow dash she looked very hot. Rarity who watched the whole scene unfold cleared her throat and said "don't you two have a dinner to go to?"

The both looked at her and blushed. Rainbow dash brought her hoof to the back of her head and said.. Yeah lets go..before we're late.

* This scene is from MLP FIM S01E26 The best night ever.

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