Hanging Out

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One day, Twilight was in the library reading one of her books. While reading, she thought of Garrett for some strange reason. Over the past few days, she didn't know why, but she always thought of him. This time, she was thinking of hanging out with him. So she put a bookmark on the last page she was reading, and put it down. She probably knew where Garret was. He was most likely at the music room where the Ponyville Choir always practiced. She walked over to the music room, and saw the choir practicing a song. This song was known as Go Lovely Rose.

Twilight listened to this beautiful song, and she noticed in the bass section was Garrett. His baritone voice singing the bass harmonies of the song amazed her. It was a beautiful song. When the song was finished, she clapped her hooves, blown away. The choir director noticed her, and said, "Princess Twilight! What an unexpected surprise. What brings you here, your highness?" Garrett saw her, and blushed while smiling sheepishly. "Oh, I just felt like listening to some singing," said Twilight as she waved at Garrett, "please, continue as you were." Garrett also bashfully waved back. The choir director then had the choir continue practicing other songs until it was time to go home. Twilight walked up to Garrett. "You really are a good singer!" she said. Garrett smiled and said, "Well thank you Twilight. That means a lot to me."

"You want to go for some ice cream and hang out?" asked Twilight. "Sure," said Garrett, "I love ice cream." Twilight and Garrett then got some ice cream while walking around Ponyville. They enjoyed their ice cream while also talking. "I have to say, I'm impressed you know how to use your horn to lift things," said Twilight. "Yeah, I learned a few tricks aside from music," replied Garrett. For the next few hours, Twilight and Garrett talked about each other, getting to know one another. And Twilight was beginning to like Garrett, a lot more than Flash Sentry. And Garrett, he thought Twilight was the perfect girl. He smiled and looked at her violet eyes lovingly. "Garrett, are you alright?" asked Twilight as she looked at him, concerned. Though she had to admit, he had a cute smile. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that, you are the most beautiful Alicorn I've ever laid eyes on," admitted Garrett. This surprised Twilight, and she said, "Awww, Garrett, you're making me blush!" Garrett also giggled, surprised that he admitted all of that. Twilight then smiled at him. She also was developing a crush on him. "And love just took me by surprise, looking through your eyes," said Garrett. "I didn't know you were a poet," said Twilight as she was moved by his words. "Oh, I learned it from a song I listened to." Garrett admitted, smiling. Much later, Garrett took Twilight back to the castle. "Thanks for hanging out with me Garrett," said Twilight as she smiled at him. "No problem, we should do it more often," replied Garrett, "I'll see ya around Twilight." Twilight nodded and said, "You too. Good night." Garrett then smiled and galloped back home. "Oh Twilight,"  he thought, "I wish I could tell you how I feel about you and how much I love you."

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