The Power of Love

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"I've seen something like this happen before," explained Twilight, "my brother and Princess Cadence once did what Garrett and I did when they stopped Queen Chrysalis. Our magic was almost as powerful as theirs. This magic defeated Dark Heart."

"What kind of magic?" asked Mr. Potato Head. "The power of love," replied Twilight, "it was Shining Armor and Cadence's love for each other that stopped Chrysalis." Garrett soon realized what Twilight meant. It was his love for Twilight that helped defeat Dark Heart. "Wait, does that mean..." asked Mr. Potato Head. Garrett looked at Twilight and said, "I love you Twilight Sparkle." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Garrett Shimmer." They then kissed each other on the lips. "Will you be my Special Somepony?" Garrett blurted out. Twilight smiled and said, "Yes, I will." It was their love for each other that defeated Dark Heart. Mr. Potato Head smiled. He knew these two were simply meant for each other. But it did make him realize, "Wait a minute, guys, we're still stuck in this dimension! How are we gonna get out of here?" The two stopped kissing. "Yeah, how are we?" asked Garrett. "We'll find a way," assured Twilight as she looked around. Suddenly, out of nowhere came a strange chimera like creature with various body parts of various animals. It was none other than Discord!

"Ah, there you two are!" said Discord as he looked at Twilight, Garrett, and Mr

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"Ah, there you two are!" said Discord as he looked at Twilight, Garrett, and Mr. Potato Head. He then looked at Mr. Potato Head a second time. "What the?" asked Discord in disbelief. "Hi, I'm Mr. Potato Head," said the potato, shaking Discord's hand. "Nice to meet ya," said Discord, "and you must be Sunset's kid brother. Nice to meet ya, kiddo." Garrett shook his hand as he smiled. Discord then pulled out Garrett's tail, much to his surprise. "Pin the tail on the pony?" he teased. The tail then reappeared where it was. "This is Discord, a good friend of ours," said Twilight, "how did you find us?"

"It wasn't easy," explained Discord, "but Fluttershy told me what happened. And you know I'm always willing to help any friend of Fluttershy's. Took me a couple tries, but I made it." Garrett asked, "Are you here to take us home?" Discord nodded and said, "Yes I am. But first, I wonder, what's this red button do?" He then honked Mr. Potato Head's red nose. The potato covered his nose and said, "don't do that!" This caused Twilight and Garrett to laugh. "Oh sure, laugh it up!" he said. Discord then snapped his fingers, and Twilight, Garrett, and Mr. Potato Head disappeared from that dark dimension for good. Discord then snapped his own fingers, and disappeared from that dark dimension too.

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