Pick Me Up

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Alex’s POV:

    You’d think that because I just graduated high school I’d be able to sleep in a little on the weekdays, well you’re wrong. So, when my alarm clock went off at 6:30 Monday morning I was not a happy high school graduate. I looked over to my window to see the sun still wasn’t up, and I believe that people should not be up before the sun has risen. Turning back over in my bed, I closed my eyes and let the sleep consume me again.

   “Alex,” my mother yelled from downstairs. “It’s time to get up; you don’t want to be late to work, do you?”

    As the word ‘work’ repeated itself in my mind I groaned and dragged myself out of bed to the bathroom attached to my room. I took a shower quickly and blow dried and straightened my hair before deciding on what to wear. When I decided on a Nirvana tank top and some skinny jeans, I mean seriously who feels comfortable in shorts,  I knew I looked as good as I was going to get and made my way downstairs to find myself some breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, my mom looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

    “What is it, mom?” I asked with as little attitude in my voice as I could muster.

    “Oh nothing,” she remarked offhandedly, “but aren’t you supposed to wear your work shirt?”

   “Shit.” I cursed as I ran back up to my room to try to find one.

   “Watch your language Alexander!” I just rolled my eyes at my mom’s command, we all knew I was not going to stop cursing anytime soon. I crossed the threshold of my room and threw my clothes all over the place trying to find a clean shirt. Soon, I found one that didn’t smell that bad and yanked off my Nirvana tank top just to replace it with my other shirt. Noticing the time on my alarm clock I cursed again knowing I only had 10 minutes to get to work if I wanted to be on time. Rushing back downstairs and snatching an apple and car keys out of my mom’s hands I ran out the door praying to whatever god that I would not be late.

    Seven minutes later I pulled up to my workplace ‘Carnival Ice Cream Shoppe’, it wasn’t the best place to work, but hey, I did get paid. I walked in with my head down and made my way back to the employees lounge to clock in. Just as I finished swiping my card I hear Michael, my boss’, voice from behind me.

    “Looks like you made it just time Alex. You do realize if you were late again I would have had to fire you. Just be here on time next time, yeah?”

    “But I got here with three minu-”

   “On time, understood?” He asked, no, told, me firmly.

   “Yes sir.” I replied quietly, not really in the mood for dealing with his bitchier side. I could tell today was going to be a bad day at work and I was not looking forward to any of it.

    “Good.” He said and with a nod of his head he turned and walked briskly out of the room.

     After the conversation I had with my boss, I made my way up the register, like I do every day, and waited for the next customer. It wasn’t long before a tall, lanky guy with a big nose and black hair came in looking spent from the July heat. He looked around a little before his eyes locked with mine and gave me a little smirk. I blushed lightly and hid my face behind my fringe. And before you ask yes, I am gay. I looked up startled when I heard a little cough from in front of me and soon realized it was the boy that just walked in. I cleared my throat before speaking, hoping my bad mood wasn’t noticeable through my tone of voice.

    “Hi. Welcome to Carnival Ice Cream. My name is Alex, how can I help you?”

    “Hey Alex,” he spoke in a kind voice. “I’ll just have a scoop of mint ice cream on a cone, please?” I nodded quickly before I stepped away from the counter to complete his order.

   “That’ll be three dollars and eighty-three cents please.” I told him as I handed over his ice cream. The guy placed a five dollar bill on the counter on top of a napkin.

    “Keep the change.” He exclaimed with a wink and then, he was gone. After picking up the money, I realized there was handwriting on the napkin. I picked it up and upon further examination, I made out a name with a phone number under it.

    ‘Call me sometime, Jack. 888-888-8888. ;)’


    Of course, I was reluctant to text this number. I mean the guy was hot, but what if it’s just some kind of sick joke?  But being a stupid boy I swallowed my pride and sent a text.

    ‘Hey .. It’s Alex from the ice cream shoppe?’ A few minutes later, I got a reply.

     ‘Hey Alex! And before you ask my name’s Jack’ I smirked at his name knowing it fit him perfectly. Formulating a somewhat cocky response, I sent Jack a text back.

    ‘So what possessed you to give a complete stranger your number?’ His reply was almost immediate.

   ‘I thought the stranger was hot.’ I blushed, thankful that I was out of work and nobody could see me.  Jack and I texted all night exchanging facts about each other and agreeing to meet up tomorrow at the ice cream shoppe to hang out by the pier after I got off of work the following day.  I was excited, I hadn’t had a boyfriend in a while and I could honestly see this friendship going somewhere.

    When the clock hit four the following afternoon, I was out the doors of the ice cream shoppe and was pleased to see Jack leaning up against the wall of the shoppe. I smiled slightly at the sight of him; he was dressed in skinny jeans and a RAMONES tank top with black sunglasses covering his brown eyes. When he saw me approaching he pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to me meeting me halfway.

   “Hello, there Alex!” He exclaimed cheerfully when we we’re standing face to face.

    “Hey.” I replied shyly trying not to make a fool out of myself.  I know I sound crazy, but Jack was hot and seemed so sweet and I DID NOT want to screw this up already. He chuckled quietly, probably at my shyness, before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the road that leads to the beach. We walked and talked about everything under the sun, music, favorite food,s to family, and our high school experiences.

    “Wait, Wait, Wait,” Jack gasped out between fits of laughter, “when you had your first kiss, you threw up all over the girls lap?”

     “Well, I never actually got to kiss her,” I chuckled, “She fucking ran.”

    “Who would blame her?! You threw up on her!” This sent Jack into another fit of laughs, while I just stood there laughing at him laughing. As it turns out, Jack and I had a lot in common and that made me like him even more, added to the fact that when we reached the end of the pier we were still holding hands made my feelings so much stronger.

     “So,” Jack started off awkwardly, “Would you consider this a date?”

     I turned to him and giggled. “I don’t know, would you consider this a date?”

    “Hell no.” My face and heart dropped a little, okay a lot, at that, but picked right back up again when he added, “I have so much more planned for us then this.”


A/N: So this is my first fic, well one-shot and I really hope you enjoyed it. I will be starting a chaptered fic soon so please keep a look out for that. Shout out to my beta reader Ashlyn! Hope you guys liked it!


Pick Me UpDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora