I am pregnant p.t 2

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                                               Foxy pov 

Springtrap  picked me up and carried me all the way home in snuggled in his chest . I was so happy to be with my spring again we came home it was dark 12am showed on the clock . Everyone was asleep springtrap put me down and I walked to his room . He didn't follow me  I wonder  

                                        Springtrap pov 

I walked off not following  foxy this time . The nigthmares  helped me I needed to say thanks it feels wrong to not say thank you because I was a huge asshole to them they helped me then saved me they turned against Fred Bear. So I know that they have earned my trust. The real evil on was fredbear . I looked around for them because I could here them talking . Nigthmare are you there ? I yelled a little . Hi springtrap  what's up he said to me . I want to say thanks for everything  you done I never realized  fredbear was the evil one. I repled  he smiled and said anytime now go to your fox you two need some sleep .I nodded  and went to my room foxy was sitting on the bed waiting for me I smiled and sat next to him . So where did you go foxy asked me . I went to go say thanks to nigthmare I replyed.  He smiled but his smile turned into a frown foxy you ok I asked . Yeah I am fine its just I don't feel all that great he replyed.  Just get some sleep ok I said to him as he started to lay himself down . I smiled and went to sleep . But foxy not feeling well made me worry again ......

                                              Puppet pov 

I went ....or ran to find gold I missed him so so much . Gold I called out he then came out of nowhere  hugging  me . Where have you been he asked . Look I know your mad but I went to help springtrap  find foxy springtrap and foxy are sleeping  now I am sorry I replyed.  He smiled and said I am not mad at you I just got worried love now let's get some sleep . I nodded my head  and we went to sleep ......

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