Chapter 4

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Bey P.O.V

"Shit!, i have to start getting ready!" I yelled as I hopped off of the couch. I went into my bathroom and took a shower. I was out in fifteen minutes. When I got out, I dried myself off, and lotioned my body from head to toe. When I was finished I dropped my towel and headed to my dresser to grab a pair of panties and a bra, and then Jay walked in.

I looked at Jay and he was smirking at my naked body. I turned around and shook my head. "Un-Unh, don't even think about it." I told him. He just laughed. I put on my panties and bra and proceeded to me and Jays' walk-in closet.

"Jay." I called. He walked into the closet. "Yes baby?" He replied. "I need to find something to wear, can you help me? I asked politely. "Sure love." He replied as he walked toward the back the closet. That's where I kept all my club like attire.

"What about this one?" Jay asked holding up a dress. It was all black and kinda short. It had two small cutout parts where the hips were. It was cute and simple, the look I was going for. The dress was just too small. "Nah, I like it, but it's too small." I told Jay. He shook his head understandingly, and put the dress back.

"Can you fit this one?" Jay asked. He was holding up a Tom Ford dress. It was really cute. It was all black with cut outs going down the arms and along both sides of my body. I really liked this one. "I love it! I said excitedly and took the dress from Jay. I slid the dress on and went to do my hair.

After 30 minutes my hair was in wavy curls. I smiled at myself in the mirror, satisfied with the job I had done. I got up from the vanity and went to get a pair of shoes. As I walked to the closet, Jay walked out. "Here, I picked these out for you." Jay said handing my a pair of shoes. They were all black with a little bit of gold trimming on the back of them. I paired my outfit with a black and gold Alexander McQueen clutch.

After my outfit was complete, I looked myself over in the mirror. "Jay, are you sure your okay with me wearing this to the club?" I asked. Yeah, I think it's nice." Jay stated looking first at my dress and then my curvy figure. The dress hugged my curvy figure in all the right places.

I don't like to brag but I guess my body was pretty nice. I made sure I stayed in shape. I worked out five days a week, and ate healthy for six days. Sundays were my cheat days to eat whatever my heart desired.

I looked at the clock, it was 9:00 o'clock on the dot. I had managed to get dressed with 30 minutes to spare. "Not bad Beyoncé, not bad." I said praising myself.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab somethng to snack on. I reached into our snack cabinet to grab two Kind Bars. They were coconut and almond flavored. They tasted so damn good. As I closed the cabinet, I felt two strong arms around my waist. "Why don't you just stay home and model this dress for me." Jay whispered into my ear. He placed warm kisses along my neck as he waited for a response. "Unh-Unh baby, as much as I'd love to, Ty would kill me. I already told him I was going." I said as I turned around to Jay. We were now standing face to face. "I know, it's worth a try though." Jay said kissing my lips.

Me and Jay were sitting on the couch when we heard a horn beep. " Alright baby, see you later." I said getting up. "Hold on, I'll walk you out." Jay said standing up. He slid on his shoes and we headed towards the door. "Shit, I left my clutch." I said running back into the kitchen. I grabbed the clutch off of the kitchen counter, and headed outside.

"Aww shit." Ty said from the drivers side of his truck. It was a matte black Denali, it was super sexy. "Look at your sexy ass." Ty said looking me up and down. "Girl, if I wasnt gay. Um um um." He said shaking his head at me. Jay laughed and shook bis head at Ty. "She look aight" my sister Solange said rolling her window down. "Shut up Solange." I said playfully rolling my eyes at her.

"See you later baby." I said looking at Jay. He grabbed me by my waist pulling me close to him. He put his hands on my ass and squeezed lightly as he kissed me. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and our tongues wrestled. "Alright, damn! You coming back." Ty said interrupting our kiss. I slipped away from Jay and slid into the passenger seat. Jay walked over and leaned into my window. "put your seatbelt on." Jay told me. I smiled at him. "Ok baby." I said clicking my seatbelt. "Ty you better take care of my baby." Jay said looking at Ty seriously. "I can take care of myself." I said smirking. "I know, and you better not drink too much." Jay said. "Jayyyy." I whined. " Man, you better hush and give me them lips." He said. I leaned in and gave Jay a kiss. After making sure he made it back into the house, we pulled off.

In Tys' car

Bey P.O.V

"Damn bitch, checkmode much." Solange yelled from the backseat. "Yaaassss bitch. Jay had that ass in check." Ty said joining in. "Whatever, Jay don't have shit in check." I said rolling my eyes at them. "Hey Angie." I said speaking to my favorite cousin. "Hey Bey." Angie replied quickly turning her attention back towards the window. "whats wrong?" I asked. She was my cousin. I knew when something was wrong. " Nothing, I'm fine." She replied. I knew she was lying. I decided not to push the subject in front of everybody. I would definitely find out later though.

I sat back and waited for us to pull up at out destination.

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