Chapter 11

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Bey P.O.V

Carter household

“He’s been beating me.” Angie confessed. When the words left her mouth she broke down.

 I didn’t know what to say, as I’d never been in this situation before, so I moved closer to her and hugged her tight. I rubbed her back soothingly.

 “Don’t worry, everything is going to be ok.” I promised. I was pissed off, if I saw Cameron right now I would kill his ass. I didn’t play when it came to men putting their hands on women. Especially my family.

“Why didn’t you tell me Ang?” I asked softly. I was shocked because we told each other EVERYTHING.

“Because, I was embarrassed. I felt dumb for letting this happen and I didn’t know how to tell you.I was afraid of what you would say and think of me. Besides, you have your own problems Bey, I didn’t want to bother you with mines” She cried.

 “Angie, you are like a little sister to me,you can tell me ANYTHING. I wouldn’t have thought differently of you,what was happening wasn’t your fault, and since when did I ever say you were a bother to me. I love you and  just want the best for you. How long has this been happening.” I asked seriously concerned. Seeing Angie like this hurt me deeply.

 “It started happening 1 ½ after we started dating.  A little while before the beatings started I found out that I was pregnant. I was so excited, I mean we hadn’t been dating that long, but I loved Cameron, so I didn’t care. Anyway, I thought he would be excited, but his reaction was the complete opposite.” She remembered.


Angie P.O.V

3 years ago

 I woke up with the bad urge to throw up. I had been feeling this way all week, and it was just getting worse. It was the same routine everyday this week. I slept late, then I would wake up hungry enough to eat a horse, then I would sleep again. When I got dressed my clothes were snuggy. I looked up some things that matched my symptoms and the best fitting thing was pregnancy. At first I denied it but I remembered me and Cameron messed around and forgot to use protection a few weeks ago.

 I got dressed in sweats and a tank since those were the only things that seemed to fit and drove to the nearest pharmacy. I purchased a pregnancy test and headed home. when got back I ran in the house and took the test. I went in sat on my bed as I waited for the results to come back.The two minutes the box said it would take to get the results back seemed to take forever.

 Finally it was time to get the results back. I stood in the doorway of my bathroom for about two minutes. I was so scared, I didn’t know anything about being a mother, and how would Cameron react. My life was about to change drastically and I didn’t know if I was prepared. I went into the bathroom and picked up the test. I was going to be a mommy!  At first I didn’t know how to feel, I was scared and anxious, but I was kind of excited too. I mean,I loved Cameron so much and he loved me too. I sat down and went over his possible  reactions in my head over and over again.

 After about thirty minutes of going back and forth with myself, I decided that he was going to be excited. I leaned against the bathroom sink and smiled to myself as I rubbed my tummy. I couldn’t believe it, there was a little person in there. I couldn’t wait until Cameron got home from work so I could tell him the exciting news.

 4 Hours later

 I was woken up by a soft pair of lips on my forehead. I fluttered my eyes open to see my baby standing before me.

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