A Youngster's View on Frail Life

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Just a random thing I did for my Journalism project, and I'd like to share it to all of you! I'm still working on my grammar and stuff, but I hope all of you would like this. I honestly think that my work is super random and boring, but hey, I like random. And boring. Hahaha. No plagiarism, please. Thanks!

And btw, this isn't an ongoing story :) Well, obviously but nevermind.. Hahaha


On a tranquil Sunday morning, I woke up to the sight of gray skies. I arose and observed the inanimate objects surrounding me. There I wondered why everything that is in accordance with me is severely dull and lifeless. Literally, they are, but I was thinking about something else – my passion for imagination and my thirst for other unrealistic pilgrims and moral sojourns. As I sat and waited for the food, my mind went flying along with the thunder birds in the red clouds that seemed like the sun just had a fight with the moon and stars. I didn’t realize that I just made my present feeling and young heart swoon to my head’s unimaginable level of reality in a state that everything was going the opposite of what I thought it would be. I sat on the dinner table, and as I read through the lines of a piece of literature, my frail young heart gabbled as I read the letter I willingly wrote to arouse my sense of youth and teenage convictions. There started my interest in vast reality. There started my speech in which my heart never fails to express its true wonders. There I started… “knowing”.

Many have wondered why life went like this. It seems like every day is just a mere happiness in one’s fatal life. A man was born to the earth to do something that was meant for him to do. Not only for a severe blow in one’s jurisdictions, but also to prove in the sense that your worth in this life means more than a thousand smiles put together. If God didn’t put the slaves to rest, what would become of this? Moral attitudes describe one’s thought on how their way of living should go ahead. If not for hospitality, what would life describe a man’s racial understanding with their fellow men? If life didn’t get complicated, what would be our chances of changing for what’s better? If problems didn’t exist, where would our strength, courage, and knowledge be of use to? Are we just going to waste those things that mirror value? They may give us the idea and theory that life is unfair, but actually it lets us realize that we’re humans in training – training for the real value of living, a way of understanding.

If it weren’t for high standards and life promises, we would still be hanging on the hope of letting fate do all the work. We would be stuck wondering what will happen to our lives. Our knowledge of things will vary and depend on what we have observed during our recent sceneries. God gave us a name and that name reflects our being as a person, as a friend, as a mentor, as an influence, and as a traveller. Our sorrow merely reminds us of change. Change for the better, change for what’s right, or change for the sake of art, being equal and fair to everyone, and being a stray person on the street waiting for alms to be rejected. If it doesn’t make sense to you, nothing ever will. My words speak a thousand verses, and whatever I say comes from what I know. Whatever I do comes from what I believe in. What I know is something you don’t, and what I do is something you can’t.

Men’s ability to influence is one strike in the heart of a fragile being. It remains forever untouched and scarred. Nothing I have to say is related to this. My thoughts wander as my heart longs for someone, or maybe something. I can’t seem to give a complete thought. It doesn’t merely give me the hope to wait. But rather, it gives me the guts to let go. As I speak through rapid words and undefined verses, I speak in a way that my heart does all the talking and my hands do all the typing. I’m in a state of confusion in where I’m wondering if I should start doing something that would please me, and if ever, please others. I wasn’t born to make everyone smile. I’ll live my life the way I predicted it to be, and if it doesn’t suit your wants, I don’t mind. I’m not in the mood to live up to your expectations. Life was made as a field of sand. It’s your duty to fill it up with fertile soil and green shades of inspiration. I may not live up to words, but I assure myself that I would give myself a round of applause when it’s time for my curtains to close, and my show to end. If there’s responsibility, there’s a chance of proving one’s worth. Live it well.

There goes my mouth again. Saying those piffle words that made “confusing” a lot worse. Damn those moments when they just can’t accept the fact that everyone isn’t born the way they should behave, and when everyone isn’t perfect. Perfect? A common word used by many. It gives you a sense of pride, confidence, and belief – even in things that are of nonsense meanings. Young minds, young hearts, young words, and young scars define a perfect blend of experience. Whatever may come is humbly accepted by a youth who desires for every piece of wisdom in life. Hurt, sorrow, pain, and suffering are only vivid moments in life that shows one capability to endure them. If they do, then they deserve a clap or two. If it weren’t for life’s moral enemy – death, people would waste their times wandering and letting life do all the work. Not a shadow of effort is seen. That’s what makes one’s smile upside down. A life filled with wasted memories that should be of meaning but instead gave a bucket of guilt and regrets.

I may not show my deepest sincerity in my sayings, but I shall prove that what I say is purely the opposite of false. I speak in a verse that only I could understand, and that you would even read between the lines just to know the essence of this. I speak in a way that mortals are defined as rocks, and life is a bed of molten ashes. We never let others see what we really feel inside – just another common statement coming from the mouth of a normal commoner. Heat up and get down. Life is not merely filling it with memories, but of fulfilling a destiny of sojourns and influential courage. A frail heart is a frail being. Being in a state of complex wisdom is just the same as learning the alphabet from an uneducated being. Folklore, music, arts, literature, arithmetic, and other subjects that are in the field of knowledge can never be compared to one’s own knowledge. They may live up to give you a lot, but in the end, they will appear a shadow of black air that only reminds you of your dark pasts. I cannot define life in a simpler sentence, but I hope you would understand a lot more than life would let you. Be observant and true.

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