40 2 31

Oww stupid Captain... he bit me after I dropped him and he was only 6 inches in the air... what the Frickadoodle luckily it didn't break the skin but he hit a nerve or a muscle so it hurts like hell!!!

Anyway I just went to the dentist and yay no cavities... never had one but never want one cause if you get one you have to get a freaking shot in your mouth!

On a scale from 1-10 1-psh don't care 10- omfg get me out of here how afraid are you of the dentist?
Never been to the dentist- Grass
1- Cold
2- Sun
3- Animal
4- Holly
5- Cover
6- Tree
7- Fox
8- Rock
9- Gone
10- Hawk
I wanna be a dentist- River

What are you more afraid of the dentist or the Doctor?
Dentist- Tooth
Doctor- Claw
Both- Heart
Neither- Ear
Both but more dentist- Eye
Both but more doctor- Tail

Ah now I have a big bruise on the bite!

Tengo Sunclaw!!  Porque yo hablo español! But my first language is English... or Ingés

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