Ok so I was reading Shakespeare for English and then my bracket was making a weird shadow and I pulled it up to reveal a Big bruise on my forearm...how in the Hell did I even get that... like it was worse yesterday but it still hurts!
And then a Mechanical Pencil decided to destroy my other wrist! Now the wrist Freaking hurts cause it has like 3 Giant and deep cuts!
Which word is Bigger?
All- Great
Infinity- Stone
Universal- Smoke
Everything- Moss
Gazillion- Dark
Bajillion- Shell
Everything- Sea
Trinity- Bee
Infinity and beyond- Fossil
Other- VoleOn a Scale form 1-10 how often do you get random bruises or cuts that you didn't even know existed.
1-Never, 10- Every day
1- Heart
2- Feather
3- Tail
4- Stream
5- Paw
6- Star
7- Flight
8- Kit
9- Wing
10- Breeze
Don't know- Cloud
Don't even wanna know- FurMe llamo Smokebreeze
(I have had this sitting here for two weeks... well today (the day I published this) I stabbed my finger with a sharp pencil and now I have a hole in my finger!!! That is #16 over the past two weeks)OH YEAH AND SORRY FOR FOR NOT UPDATING!!!