The Beginning

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Crystal blue eyes shown below the most powerful bright stars. Sitting in Starclan, Runningkit looked awaiting a kit to be chosen. The leader looked down on the young through old cats, his head held high. "Let all who can yowl there presence to the stars of Starclan, meet together!" The leader yowled, everyone of the cats came together.

Watching, Waiting, Wondering.

"A kit of Starclan will be chosen to represent, Starclan in one of the clans of the ground and soil!" The cat yowled, their voice lingering and ringing in the ears of the kits. "A powerful yet, quick, lean, and intelligent will be sent to go!"

"Why not a Warrior!" A voice echoed through the crowd, the yowls of agreement soon followed.

"A warrior will not be chosen for a reason, because they have all ready lived. A kit had came here at a young age. Some not even getting the breath of life before coming to Starclan! So having ended that... The kit shall be chosen. Shall all kits under the age of an apprentice please step forward!" The leader yowled, their prove-ment to the cats now understood.

Many kits stepped forward, but one in particular caught the clan leader's eye. "Firkit! Shall go to the soil covered ground of the clans, and represent us!"

"I can't..." A voice squeaked through the loud yowling. The leader looked down at the kit, nodding their head in a approval, silence echoed through the cats.

"Then, Runningkit will take your place, young one." Yowled the leader over the yowling protests of not representing.

Bluestar sat along the water-pond staring at her reflection, she sat along side Spottedleaf. After being called to go to the soil covered clans, Runningkit was scared.

He watched as the former Thunderclan leader spoke to her once medicine cat. The cat that for some reason, Firestar needed in his life until Sandstorm. Silently walking up behind Bluestar, Runningkit stared at the gray hued she-cat. And the Multi-colored medicine cat.

"Bluestar....Spottedleaf..." The young kit nodded his head in respect of the important cats in front of him.

"Welcome young kit..." Purred Bluestar as she as well nodded her head in respect of the chosen kit. Runningkit then quickly became shy, and gave his chest a quick lick. Then, started picking an annoying flea from his black pelt.

"Nervous are you?" Growled Spottedleaf but in a loving tone for the kit. Silently Runningkit nodded.

Anxiety ate at his stomach, ever since Firkit put down his duties and the leader chose him as the replacement. Close like claws dragged down his stomach, he looked up. Watching the blue hued and Multi-colored females.

No longer did Bluestar just sit and stared at the kit, now she stood up watching him very closely. "So your here for training?" The female asked with the gently purr of longing ness, Runningkit remembered his learnings. Bluestar had killed by a pack of wild dogs and driven over a ravine.


"Let's begin." Quickly Spottedleaf swung her tail and took out the kit. Knocking him into the water, immediately Runningkit swam to the top. And Bluestar leaped in, keeping the kit's head under the ice cold water.

Struggling Runningkit kicked and pushed and clawed, trying to get the to the Leader's soft underbelly. But, instead the former leader grabbed Runningkit by the scruff and dragged the kit down farther in the pond. Bubbles started floating up towards the top of the pond. The bubbles from the kits once holding breath, now his breath was gone. The air wiped out if him slowly he passed out, the leader let go of the kit. And swam to the top of the pond, her paws swiftly paddling. While the kits almost lifeless body floated to the top of the pond.

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