28; christmas eve

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Christmas Eve was a few days later. Mitch didn't fully understand why they had such a big dinner or even why they gave presents, but he decided not to question it. He didn't know who that Jesus guy was when Scott's family tried to explain it anyway.

Mitch was getting along with Scott's family much better now. Scott still hadn't explained to them why his Omega flinched away when they got too close or why he was so nervous around Rick, but they knew their son and brother well enough to know not to question it. He would explain when both he and Mitch were ready.

On Christmas Eve morning, Mitch woke up when Scott did with a soft whine. Scott chuckled and kissed his forehead, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "Good morning, sunshine. We have to get to church," he murmured, and though Mitch didn't know what that was, he sat up anyway.

"What's church, Alpha?" he asked curiously as he put on the clothes Scott gave him.

Scott smiled to himself and pulled on his blazer, running his fingers through his hair. "It's a place people go to worship God." That just confused Mitch even more, but he didn't want to seem stupid, so he didn't say anything.

Mitch held Scott's hand as they exited Scott's old bedroom. Everyone else was already in the living room, waiting. Lauren rolled her eyes playfully when she saw them. "God, finally. I was about to come get you. Unless I heard moaning, then I would leave again," she joked. At first Mitch didn't understand, but when it clicked, he blushed furiously and buried his face in Scott's side.

Scott rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around him protectively, covering Mitch's ears. "How dare you speak with such vulgar language in front of my Omega? Mitchy is innocent and I will not have you corrupting him with your foul words."

Lauren laughed and winked at him. "I'm sure you already corrupted him plenty when you took his virginity."

Mitch tensed up, unnoticed by the family, but Scott could feel it. He knew perfectly well that Mitch had lost his virginity at the age of thirteen. "Lauren, please," he scolded, and her smile slowly faded when she saw the look on his face.

They got to church, and Mitch pressed closer to Scott at all the people. He tried to listen during the sermon, but he still didn't know who Jesus was or why everyone was so excited about him, so he couldn't. He just sat quietly beside Scott and played with his fingers, wishing he had been a virgin when he and Scott made love for the first time.

After church, the family went to lunch together. Mitch didn't talk much like usual; he simply ate the food Scott ordered for him and traced the veins on Scott's hand. He couldn't stop thinking about that comment Lauren made that morning. Were Omegas supposed to be virgins when they first had sex with their Alphas? Did Scott hate him because he didn't take his virginity? A lump formed in Mitch's throat as his mind raced, and he focused on keeping himself from crying in an effort to distract himself from his shouting thoughts.

"Do you need to go outside?" Scott whispered into his ear when the attention wasn't on them. "I can smell your sadness."

Mitch sniffled and shook his head, rubbing his eyes furiously. "No, Alpha. I'm fine," he whispered hoarsely, but it was clear Scott didn't believe him.

"What's wrong, princess?"

Mitch just shook his head again and buried his face in Scott's shoulder. Scott sighed and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his head. "I love you," he reminded him, his voice so soft only Mitch could hear.

Mitch blushed and crawled into Scott's lap, wrapping his arms around him and burying his face in his neck. "I love you too, Alpha," he whispered back, finally relaxing.

"How old are you again, Mitch?" Lauren asked suddenly.

Mitch jumped slightly and peeked out at her, his grip tightening on Scott's shirt. "I- I'm ninet-teen, ma'am."

Lauren looked up at Scott in surprise. "He's only nineteen?"

"It's only a three-year difference," Scott defended, holding Mitch tighter. "Mom and Dad are five years apart."

Mitch felt that sinking feeling in his chest again. "Am I not supposed to be nineteen, Alpha?" he whispered in Scott's ear. "I- I can get older. For you."

Scott softened and turned his head to kiss Mitch's nose. "No, sweetheart. You're perfect just the way you are. May I kiss you?" Mitch blushed and nodded, leaning in to connect their lips.


That night, Mitch was in the kitchen helping Connie and Lindsey with dinner while the Alphas did some last-minute wrapping. Connie had insisted that Mitch could stay with his Alpha, but he wanted to help.

"So, Scott," Lauren started, lowering her voice a little, "what's up with Mitch? He's timid, even for an Omega. Did- Did something happen to him?"

Scott sighed and nodded. "Yeah. I guess I should tell you. He, um... He was abused. His parents were killed when he was three, and this pack of four Alphas took him in. They physically and verbally abused him for fifteen years, and when he turned thirteen, they started raping him too." He bit his lip hard, focusing on the sounds of his baby giggling from the kitchen. "When I met him, he... he was so small and scared. We fell in love, and I called the police on his Alphas. We've been officially together since January 24th. Eleven months today."

"Oh, that's horrible," Rick murmured. "The fact that he was abused. How old were these Alphas?"

"In their forties." Scott shuddered. "I'm sorry. I'll be right back." He got up and went into the kitchen, enveloping Mitch in a hug as soon as he was close enough.

Mitch squeaked in surprise, but he relaxed when he realized who it was and leaned against him. "Hi, Alpha," he murmured, hugging him back. Scott sighed shakily in relief and buried his face in Mitch's neck, taking in his comforting scent. Mitch smiled to himself and nuzzled his face in Scott's shoulder, subconsciously curling his fingers around Scott's bicep. "Are you okay, Alpha?"

"Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine. Just needed you," Scott whispered, and Mitch's heart fluttered in his chest. A shy smile formed on his lips, and his fingers clutched Scott's shirt.

"I love you."

Scott pulled away enough to meet Mitch's eyes, smiling weakly. "I love you too. So much." He nuzzled Mitch's head back to press a kiss to his Mark spot. "Always."

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