/Where it starts/

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Anxiety came out of the mind place and next to Thomas who was nodding off while sitting on the couch watching some movie.

"Hey um.. Thomas.."
"Hmm" Thomas stirred
"Can I.. I uh.."
"What?" Thomas asked quietly and in a care tone
"Just like hang out?" Anxiety shrugged and looked away.
"Uh sure.." Thomas said in confusion "Only if you tell me why."
*sigh* "The others are having a movie night." Anxiety answered
"Why didn't you join them?"
"They didn't invite me" Anxiety mumbled under his breath.
"Oh, we can watch some movies if you want."
"Uh yeah sure"
The others POV

"We should watch a animal planet episode." Logan said.
"We can watch puppies!!" Yelled Dad
"No, we shall watch a Disney film." Roman piped in.

They didn't realize they left out Anxiety nor did they care.


Thomas and Anxiety POV

"Hey Thomas.." Anxiety whispered half hoping Thomas heard him and half hoping he didn't but he did.
"Uh yeah what's up?"
"Am sorry..."
"What? What do you mean your sorry?"
"For causing you to miss out on things I know am not all happy like the others but it's just what I do, I hate being like this..." Thomas was about to say something to Anxiety but he started his rant again. " Now that I came out more to you and the others I realized that they still don't need me or include me like they should of and I understand why they don't want me to be their so I just want to make it clear as least to you that I don't mean to be this way I want to hang out but it's hard not thinking of bad stuff I do my best to keep it away from you but I can't stay completely away and not give you some fear without issues..." Thomas knew what Anxiety meant he nodded and stated " I understand I really wish they understood you also.. but hey they'll come around and don't say sorry I know you don't mean it and I get it you have to do it, it dose get on my nerves but it has to happen.." Anxiety lowered his head so his bangs covered his eyes "Thanks.."

They kept watching the film after Anxiety "outburst" Thomas just guessed that Anxiety had too much bottled up and he was the only who would listen to him without saying something mean he smiled knowing Anxiety had trust in him and was willing to tell him things.. after a few more films they both started to drift to sleep..

This is the first really fanfic I have done so bare with me as the beginning is rough but we all start somewhere I don't know if I'll keep this up but I hope I do am liking my idea so we will see how it turns out.

(Ps am really bad at dad jokes so I don't know how many I'll be able to put in this)

Thomas Sanders: Anxiety Isn't the bad guy?Where stories live. Discover now