Chapter 5: Next Test

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After the first test, we were guided by the yellow haired man to the next test. I separated from my team during break and decided to eee if I could find Rin in this place.

"Hm.. where could she be?" I scanned the crowd, and there were a lot of regulars who survived the Evankhell floor. A lot of them walked in a group of threes like our odd group.

Suddenly, someone else crashed into me. A guy with brown hair stood up and he was a few inches taller than me.

"Ah! I'm sorry for crashing into you!" His teammates catched up behind him.

"Bam?" his taller teammate called his attention. He had blue hair, wore a white top and a black tie, he carried a brown bag.

" Miss! Are you okay?"

Something about them was familiar. "I'm sorry as well I wasnt looking where I was going.."

" What's your name miss?" The brown haired boy asked.

" Its Seo. How about you?" I said.

"I'm the Twenty-Fifth Baam.. Just call me Bam for short." He had a strange name for a regular human.

"Bam. You can't make friends here, everyone in this room is our enemy.. you know?" The same guy looked annoyed at us.

" But she can be our ally.. right?" the 'Bam' person said,

"Tch.. I'm Khun Aguero Agnes. Just call me 'Khun'." The blue haired guy says to me. Somehow his name sounded familiar.

"Rak doesnt need allies! especially from weak turtles!" The big dinosaur shouted behind them. It's like he can eat anyone alive with his size..

"And this is Rak. Don't mind him, he is pretty harmless.." Khun introduced and insulted him at the same time.

"SEO!" A female voice called my name, I turned around and saw my teammates who were looking tired. They stopped to catch their breath..

" Why.. did you leave me behind.. " Even Kimura looked tired. " I got stuck with this degenerate.."

"Yeah, you left me with this pink haired demon-" Ryuji complains at me. The other girl punched his head violently.

"aAAAAAH" He clutches his head from being hit.

" Don't pretend you didn't try to kill us earlier, male."


" Well guess who attacked us first, male?" Kimura reaches for her axe.

I heard someone scoff behind me. I have forgotten Bam's team was still there. They were watching us, Khun said-

"If this is how weak the other regulars are. Then this test will be easy.." He insults us on purpose.

"Who said that?" Kimura turns to the blue hair guy, she looked annoyed for some reason. " Oh great.. you must be part of that Khun family judging from your hair."

" Can't blame you if that's what you think.."

" Seo, we can't trust this guy.. Who knows if this guy is waiting to stab us in the back." Kimura says.

" Hey, don't start fighting everyone we meet now.." Ryuji says to our teammate, trying to break the growing tension.

" Move out of the away, male. His smug face is annoying me."

Before the pinkette can bring out her axe, an authoritative voice said- "Did you not understand? I said no fighting during break time. "

The yellow haired man from earlier walked to the scene. He wore a black shirt with a white coat, and has eccentric looking pants. Everyone stopped talking and some glared at him.

"Who are you, jerk? YOU WANNA DIE TOO?!" some regular threatened him, while a chicken tried to restrain him.

"I'm the test administrator, Lero-ro. " He ignored him and said.

"Administrator? He's a.. ranker?!" A random regukar exclaimed.

" Hm.. a ranker. Does that means he has already climbed the tower?" I said and thought back to Rin. Just like her?

" That's right. With his level, he is probably the one in charge of this test." Khun suprisingly said to me.

I zone out from the explanation and thought about a person earlier I saw before bumping to Bam. Maybe I was just seeing things. Was my eyes playing tricks or maybe I'm losing sleep..

"Now, the pre-test BEGINS." Lero-ro, the ranker says, outloud.

Before I could ask my team anything, a strong force pushed me and everyone else. I brought my right arm to shield my face, and almost lost my balance from the small wave.


" I threw you a veil of shinsu. As you all know, it is present everywhere in the tower. And it plays an important role as it allows us to breathe and provides water." He continues explaining. " Shinsu can also be used as a weapon, so all the contestants in the tower uses it to fight."

"To be blunt, those who can't deal with shinsu are not appropriate candidates in the tower." He finished and created a wall of shinsu.

"Those who can pass through this veil, will pass the test as well."

"If not, you guys fail." He says.

"Alright everyone, please come through."


" You passed, Mr. Bam."

"I can't believe that kid easily passed through.." Ryuji complained, as he saw him in the other side of the veil talking to Leroro.

"He sure is lucky.. " Kimura mused to herself and kept trying to pass through. " He acted like the barrier wasn't there at all."

A green skinned girl also passed through it next.

" What did that ranker do?" Ryuji said, annoyed. His head had blood dripping down, my other teammate only laughed at him. " It's impossible to pass through here.."

I placed my hand on the barrier and it pushed me back. Taking a deep breath, I forced my way in and I'm suddenly in the other side. Well that was easy..

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