Chapter 17

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It's a mad house backstage, people are running, fans are being escorted back out because they somehow snuck in. The air is barely breatheable, it's so hot back here I can barely breathe, it doesn't help that Harry is standing right next to me in nothing but those famous black skinny jeans. Every now and then I'll glance over at him, just to admire the curves of his muscles or the stubble that's barely noticeable under his nose.

"Harry! You're needed for sound check." The same dude that Harry referred to as 'Higgs' ordered.

Harry doesn't even acknowledge Higgs voice, he slowly turns his head towards me and I quickly glance anywhere but him.

"Hazey.." His voice is soft and a bit insecure sounding.

"Yeah, Hun?" I lean my shoulder against the wall I had my back on moments ago.

"Would you.. Uhm.. Would you want to watch from the side of the stage this time?"

"Sure, I'd love to get a closer view of you guys."

"Okay, great!" He beams happily with a huge grin. "I have to get going, before Higgs throws me over his shoulder again." Harry rolls his eyes and darts back into their changing room, he is back out in less than 2 minutes fully clothes and boots on. "See you real soon." He whispers after he pressed his lips to my cheek.

The tingling sensation from his lips have never stayed long after he had been gone down the hallway.

"Hazel, if it's okay with you, the Hubs and I would like to take Lux to the toy store, she's been begging all morning since Louis gave her that gift card.

"He what now?" I ask flatly.

"He gave her a gift ca-"

"Rhetorical question." I cut her off with an annoyed sigh. "They are so sneaky, they are up to something!" I feel myself getting madder by the second.

"Wow love, I've never seen your ears so red!" She laughs and then stops to cover her mouth.

"You've never seen me this angry either..." I huff.

"Relax, love. We will take Lux off your hands for a couple of hours, worry free concert and when you get home she will be in b-"

"Home?" I gasp. We don't have anywhere to go, i have no place to stay right now.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I almost forgot." She brings her hand up to her forehead and smack it. "Niall said he had the maid come over and clean up the guest room for you. You can stay at his place, mentioned it to me while I styled his hair."

"Right... The guest room is tiny, it's his rental home.." And suddenly I find myself sounding like a rich b!tch.

"If you have to, you can sleep on the couch. Niall won't mind, you know how easy going he is, I don't need to remind you."

"Alright," I stress out a much needed, therapy session taught, sigh. "Please have Lux in bed no later than 9pm, in Nialls guest bedroom. I owe you guys so much.." I throw my arms around her in an embrace.

"Lux is like my own daughter, you know how much she means to me, how much you mean to me for giving me this opportunity." She pulls back from the hug with tears on her eyes as she stares at me. "Not being able to have children put a weight on my heart, but Lux lifts the weight right off everytime I see her little face."


We have sung 3 songs now, Nialls ear piece stopped working during the first song and the second song Liam's microphone went out. What luck.

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